Soon be Summer..What's your favourite ice cream flavour?


My parents would get a regular delivery from this lot:

But their flavours were always too sweet for me.There’s nothing wrong with a 99


Magnum .
Last year I trialed the magnums from the bites to the tubs it was arduous :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:…this is still my favourite image
The Lidl lookalike came close but not close enuff :wink:


Just sharing :grinning:

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Has anyone tasted liquorice ice cream…gosh its yummy


Every. Summer, when we get an ice cream, I stand in front of the counter surveying the tubs of different flavours, ooing and aahing at how nice they look and then I choose….vanilla, always choose vanilla, mrs,p, is not impressed in the amount of time it takes me to choose the same flavour I always have…I’m just not brave enough….!


My husband is the same Primus he always after some deliberation chooses Vanilla. I’m the opposite I try new flavours if they have them…Black cherry is nice

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I tend to go for vanilla but I’ll be a little more adventurous from time to time.
Happy memories of Dayvilles…the design of this badge screams 70s!


It is Autumn of course and daylight saving is driving me up the wall, the sun doesn’t come up until 7am. It goes on for far too long.

I am very fond of the Coles own brand Caramel and Macadamia Ice cream, I also like the fact that it comes in a 1 litre size because the normal tub of Vanilla is only available in 2 or 4 litres which is far too much.


If I’m out and there’s an ice-cream van I like a Mr Whippy with a flake and raspberry sauce

At home my fave is Haagen Daz salted caramel or strawberry

I used to like those blocks of raspberry ripple you sliced off and put between wafers but you can’t get that anymore. Shame really, it was packed in cardboard so more environmentally friendly as well as tasting good

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Oooh ice cream. Coconut. Lemon. Pistachio. Mint choc chip. Probably more when I can think of them.

Last week first in a pub after lunch I had a bowl of three scoops. Raspberry and coconut sorbet, and vanilla ice cream. It was heaven. Then the next day I had a carvery supper, and raspberry sorbet again. Mmm mmm mmmmmm!

I love living here at the seaside and try to get to the kiosks for my ice cream treat (and hot donuts).


Coconut, closely followed by Raspberry Ripple…Must be Orkney Ice Cream.


A good Cornish vanilla served with chilled clotted cream …YUMMY!!!

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I have a very fond memory of mint chocolate chip when I was young. I don’t eat both chocolate and ice cream now, but the memory is strong.

From the video, I’ve eaten tamarind. That black sesame ice cream looked interesting. Green tea ice cream is good.

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My go to is vanilla :023:


My favourite is still Magnum Almond, I could never say No to that! :grinning:

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Mr Whippy and clotted Cornish soft scoop.mmmmm

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I like Mr Whippy 99 but not seen an ice cream van in ages , Shop bought I do like Neapolitian between wafers ,
This week ive been Indulging on Haagen-Dazs Ice cream , different flavours , do’nt tell anyone .


Vanilla cone with a flake and sprinkles……

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Reminds me of a Tommy Cooper joke.

"So I went down my local ice-cream shop, and said I want to buy an ice-cream’. He said Hundreds & thousands?’ I said ‘We’ll start with one.’ He said ‘Knickerbocker glory?’ I said ‘I do get a certain amount of freedom in these trousers, yes.’

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