Song that brings tears to your eyes

There’s no getting away from it both women had powerful voices but I believe the reason Bassey was more thought of was that her voice was more easy to understand plus I think it was more of a natural voice. Squires always seemed to be singing with a cold or a blocked nose. I sometimes found it really hard to understand what she is actually singing.
Also Squires was never really an establishment kind of gal if you know what I mean.
Never the less both were great singers.

nice post,one of the saddest songs ever is the beautiful but tragic[beginning of my end-the unifics]another is the early impressions tearjerker[little boy blue].

Just reminded of this great song on ‘Strictly’

In the last six months both my husband and my brother have died and Sam Smith has made me cry constantly, I love the songs but the evoke such emotions.

How about “The world is just a great big onion” :lol: :lol:

What a good song this is. The clever chords. Love it ! Makes me very emotional !

A female voice and a sad song will do it every time for me. Carlene Carter singing ‘Unbreakable Heart’:

This one will bring the hankies out I betcha. :lol::lol:

Yup, a good old tearjerker that one. It reminded me that Lonnie Donegan did a couple of versions of it too. One in 1960 and another in 1978. Both can be found on YouTube.

Always brings a tear to my eye :wink:

… and this ‘The William Tell Overture’


Is anyone familiar with The Alan Parsons Project? The lyrics to this 1977 song have a particular effect on me.

Such beautiful sounds from Enya, bring tears to my eyes.


I have heard of the Alan Parsons Project Floydy but the one I remember is Eye in the Sky.