Song that brings tears to your eyes

Call me an old softy, I don’t care. I came across this clip from Youtube about a young girl and her singing talent. I think it is heartwarming, emotional and life affirming. I can’t watch it with dry eyes. Can you?

That was so touching. Sniff.

Ditto that Alice. Sniff, sniff. She has a beautiful sincere voice.

Sorry both, but there are two songs I hate, this which really does go ‘on and on and on and
’ and that dreadful dirge we were subjected to a few years back, Everything I Do by Brian Adams.

There are two songs that make me walk away
Both bring back such memories that I know the tears will flow

Recently in a pub in Ireland a man suddenly started playing this on a flute, it was lovely but I had to hide in the ladies until it was over

The other is a song my father used to sing
 It makes so much sense now and is very fitting.

I told my son, some years back, that I wanted that version of ‘over the Rainbow’ at my funeral as they carry me in. Mind you I have also said I want ‘wish me luck as you wave me goodbye’ as the service ends.

You told me that I was like an angel
Told me I was fit to wear a crown
So that you could get a thrill
You put me on a pedestal
And then you let me down, let me down.

You told me that I’d be wearing diamonds
I would have the smartest car in town
Made me think that I’m the top
And then you let the ladder drop
You know you let me down, let me down

I walked upon a rainbow
I clung onto a star
You had me up in heaven
That’s why I had to tall so far

I was even looking for a cottage
I was measured for a wedding gown
That how I got cynical
You put me on a pinnacle
And then you let me down, let me down
How you let me down

Time to say goodbye, this is one of those amazing tunes that sound wonderful even if you do not understand a word, it always sounds to me as if it is from something though.

I wonder how many people have it at their funeral?

I have searched for a version of this song which always brings me to tears. Dorothy Squires, singing Mamma, from the show Mata Hari. A very young soldiers letter home from WWI trenches.

I think this may be the one, Des 

It has always amazed me how Bassey, with all her gesticulating and gurning is so revered, and yet Ms Squires, who I personally believe is a gazillion times superior is rarely mentioned. This song is awesome! The young soldiers agony is there for all to hear. Thank you for finding it.

I had never heard that song, but it gave me goosebumps. Thanks for sharing Mags.