Solo Traveller needs advice

Honestly, I felt the same way when I started researching solo female travel.

There are a few international options for females but not much. And you have to share accommodations. Not what I had in mine.

I also thought exactly the same thing. Why isn’t there tour operators catering for single people over 50. Definitely a gap in the market.

Contiki caters for the younger generation. There’s tons of backpacking services as well.

We are all older on here, this is as good as it gets. :grin:

Advice Wise. :laughing: :walking_man:.

Well, when the world is sane again, then this is definitely the place to visit if you want to see The Big Five. :slightly_smiling_face:

just a link,and offer a suggestion…
had to change it Minx…

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Hi Minx

Thanks for the thought. I have been on YouTube and there is very little to help there as well. Maybe it’s time for an Older Solo Travellers channel?

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Thanks Di. But I’m hoping it’s not a lynch mob because singles doesn’t equate to hook up :roll_eyes:

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Hi Spitfire

I am not sure. Just because we are older shouldn’t mean we have to expect limited choice or to be ignored entirely. Maybe I’m still to idealistic lol

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That’s not a bad suggestion!
Okay, you start and I’ll be your first subscriber :slightly_smiling_face:


Nah Di, you can’t change it without proffering an explanation :grin:

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Join a hobby club and see it that opens some doors…
if you can dance…line dancing looks like fun…all ages as well

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Ok Minx I am guessing elephant, rhino, lion and possibly tiger, but what’s the 5th?

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Thanks for the suggestion I’ll have a look

I come from a low expectation background, do forgive me. :bowl_with_spoon:


Black & White Rhino

If you would like, there is an Archive section under categories - Travel and Holidays
You can view some pictures of my last Safari to get an idea of what’s on offer in SA.

Enjoy your time on OFC :slightly_smiling_face:



Thanks. I have had a look and I don’t think my ‘six pack’ meets what I saw on the site. I think mine is more a wine barrel lol

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on yer bike then low expects but easily thrilled …

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Line dancing?

Better than being Frilled. :laughing: :biking_man:

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Now I wouldn’t have even come close to a buffalo! I’ll have a look at your photos

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I’ll share a link to the thread for your convenience as I’m sure you are still finding your way around.