It’s not rocket science, just accounting…
Calories in, versus energy out…
Hi B, if by “dickie joints” you’re referring to cartilage deterioration then the time to address it is NOW ! I would recommend you investigate using Glucosamine Hydrochloride of a good brand and at a dosage of around 1500 mg / day. It is considered to take 6-8 weeks to optimise.
IF it is a cartilage problem and you ignore it you WILL almost certainly eventually reach a point where you are rubbing bone to bone without any cushioning. The pain then is likely to be more than you will want to know about.
Probably consider Turmeric too as an anti-inflammatory & again it isn’t like an Aspirin - it wll take roughly 6-8 weeks to optimise.
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I’m on steroids right now and honest I could eat a scabby donkey…finding it very difficult not to gain weight…blinking calories I hate them!!!
Well done on your efforts Bretrick…impressive
Had an Egg Custard, and, a Cream Horn last night, lets see what the scales have to say about that then!!
Show off
Hmmm the steroids are a toughy but a scabby donkey ?
NUP ! think I’d have to pass on that one
it depends on the marinade OldBloke… never look a gift horse…oops thats a different recipe…perhaps
Ah… now horse eh Crabby? Only ever had that once in my entire life many many years ago whilst working in Europe. A Frenchman at our company cooked it at our workplace much to the disgust of one other & I can still recall his response despite it being decades ago.
I’d have to say I’d still go for that in preference to summer’s little delicacy.
summer, sorry but I suspect you’ll have to eat it all by yourself.
Just knock Ed’ and hooves off of that and it’ll do me…
I just don’t get/understand why it is so hard to loose weight. it is easy, get rid of husband/wife/ partner.
Hmm? & here was I thinking that it was only the ahem “exercise” that happened between husband/wife/ partner, that was keeping some of them slim. Perhaps I was mistaken.
horizontal jogging which I think you are referring to only puts muscles on the thighs.
There is of course to old joke about a child watching their parents do this and asked why, to make him slimmer his wife said. Then saw the woman next door blowing him up again
Seated exercise may be an option for you. I run fitness classes for over 50’s. I use a wheelchair due to a disability, i adapt exercises so they can be done safely. I have a Facebook page called Active-Ability with a few clips of the exercises i teach. As for dieting, i lost a lot of weight with Noom, which is based on mindful eating techniques. Healthy foods dont have to be boring at all.
Thank you. I will have a look at the site. I think I am simply lazy when it comes to exercising.
It is much easier to do nothing than to make an effort to exercise.
Lazy bones.
I just realised, I am not with facebook.
Never mind, I can look on youtube. I am still the same weight I was 2 years ago.
I used to be like you. People often asked me if I was pregnant, even though I wasn’t at an age, they should assume that. Losing weight was difficult for me until I started learning from YouTube. I continued eating all food groups but in the right amounts, increasing protein and fiber
while reducing fat and carbohydrates. In just three months, I lost 7 kilograms.
I’ve never actually tried to loose but I have lost a bit recently, ever since giving up the beer.
You need to wash your mouth out!