Snoring And It’s Affects

Have you ever had problems with snoring?

Even your partner snoring, how have you dealt with it?

Maybe you have had to sleep in another room?

I think there are also devices that are supposed to help you to stop, snoring ?

Thankfully neither of my husbands snored.

I know it can create havoc in some people’s lives.

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A partner “honking” at night is the best way to keep someone awake. I should know!!! Turning the light on works usually and a dig in the ribs


I know that in the past I used to snore but nowadays I don’t think that I do.
And if I did, it wouldn’t matter anyway.
Mrs Zaphod is deaf.
:wink: :rofl:


Yeah, chuck him out of the bed or sleep in the other room.


I live by myself so…
When I was married my wife said I did, but I never heard it. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


It’s times like these that I appreciate sleeping with just me, myself and I


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According to Mrs M my snoring keeps her awake, apparently sleeping on your back causes snoring

Maybe that’s why I get twelve inches of the king size double bed we share to sleep on.

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When l was married my husband used to snore very loudly and kept me awake.
I then read in a magazine that you should not nudge them as it might frighten them but gently pinch their nose.

I tried this and he nearly bit my fingers off!


Was your fingernails long or short


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Short, as my nails never really grew long!



:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:…so funny.

Me too!!..mind you Jack,snores, :joy::rofl:…I can hear him upstairs at times and have to tell him to shut up!!.:joy::rofl:

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This thread is so making me laugh!!..:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

Cracking up here, Danny…,:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

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So funny,:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

Oh Art, so funny!!..:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

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My Bh has had trouble sleeping lately so I like to hear her snoring.

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Awh… that’s so sweet :grinning:

Far too busy sleeping to hear myself snoring, anyway there’s not much that wakes me up once asleep. I even slept through the 1987 storm that we had, remember that one? Michael Fish didn’t agree with someone who had phoned in saying about the storm, he denied all knowledge of it. Anyway I finished work in London as all the computers went down. I drove 25 miles home through all the devastation caused by the storm then slept for eight hours and was all ready to go to work again that night.