Snoring And It’s Affects

Although the dog is on the bed,it could be her.

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Yes,I do remember.He tried to use some pathetic excuse to weasel his way out of it too.

He will never live that one down, that’s for sure!
:roll_eyes: :grinning:


I put up with Mr B’s snoring for years, often huffily taking the spare quilt and sleeping on the sofa. When the kids grew up and left home, I would decamp to one of their rooms instead of the sofa, and over time this became permanent. Oh blessed peace!!

I’m reliably informed that I too snore (by my granddaughter, when she was hovering outside my bedroom door after a sleepover, wanting to come in for a cuddle, but didn’t because she could hear me snoring and didn’t want to wake me, bless her!), but my snoring doesn’t keep me awake, it was only Mr B’s that did that :wink:.

Now we’re both so used to having separate rooms - and a double bed each - we really couldn’t go back to sharing again.

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Never mind snoring in bed one can deal with that. Farting is far worse, if one does a smelly fart under the bedclothes . Then it is a case of “ABANDON SHIP”

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Not a problem for me. I never snore, there have been people who claim that I do but they are lying.


Not those that used to be labelled SBDs – Silent But Deadly!
:roll_eyes: :nauseated_face: :upside_down_face: :grinning:

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:Oh! Artangel. I laughed out loud at that.

My daughter snores & the times we have shared a room she has kept me awake, but I did get to sleep eventually. Her partner no longer sleeps with her, he uses the sofa bed in the living room of their house. Can’t say I blame him. :grinning:
Pauline, Since OH died I sleep alone too, but he never said I snored in the nearly 50 years we were together.


I was dreaming a horrible dream , a tractor was coming through my bedroom wall the noise was terrible as I watched the bedroom fall apart with the engine roaring then I woke with a start and it was silent , I realised it was me snoring

My granchildren told me I snored but I didnt believe them …now I do !



:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:…my son stayed over on Thursday, the funny thing was, I had this terrible dream and I couldn’t get out of it, it was a really weird experience, my son had to wake me up in the early hours, and tell me to be quiet, I found it strange with him staying over that night, what would have happened if he hadn’t been there,:open_mouth::open_mouth:…he said I wouldn’t stop talking, at least it wasn’t “ snoring”:rofl::joy:

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I snore like Susan’s veritable tractor. I don’t think V has had a full night’s sleep for several years because of it and this makes me very unhappy. Unhappy because my snoring wakes her so she wakes me. Before I get back to sleep, she’s off in dreamland and snoring her head off :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.


Too funny, Percy,:joy::rofl::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I cannot say if my wife snores or not as since her 1st knee replacement, we have slept in different rooms. Then her 2nd knee then ensued followed by 1st hip and then her spine also for metalwork. The only time we are in the same bed together is every Sunday morning after I’ve been down early to make the tea … I return and she is in my large bed waiting for me​:hugs::sparkling_heart::kiss: