Snail story. think about it

One very very cold christmas day a snail banged his shell against a back door until it opened by this man.
He said " why are you banging your shell against my back door annoying everyone inside on today of all days".
" Please sir " said the snail " It is so cold out here and I am freezing.Can I come inside for a sort time to get warm again?"
“No” said trhe man and kicked the snail so hard the snail ended up at the other end of the very long garden.

The following Christmas day the snail again banged his shell agaist the same back door. When the same man opened it the snail said to him " why did you you that ?"


A snail was mugged by two slugs. The police asked if he saw who did. The slug said No it happened so fast.

Why do the French eat snails?

Because they don’t like fast food. . . :grin:


I removed the shell from my racing snail.

I thought it would make it faster, but if anything it’s more sluggish :wink::+1:


I ordered ten escargot (snails) but when the waiter arrived I complained there was one missing. He looked around and said not to worry,… it can’t have gone far… :nerd_face:. boom boom…


think about Rat Lungworm and you would not eat anything in the wild…at least the ‘‘so called eating’’…yuk. :face_vomiting:.snails are reared as opposed to wild garden ones

I really don’t fancy the idea of eating snails…even the idea of having a slug (is it a slug?) at the bottom of a tequila bottle makes me feel :face_vomiting:

read if before your Lunch… :woozy_face:

Snails in France (Escargots) | World In Paris.

I don’t like tequila at all, much less with a snail lingering about…

but give me escargot in hot butter and garlic…Whoa, Baby! I love them!

We don’t need that kinda Language around here… and it is the Sabbath did you know! :rofl:

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Eeey, I haven’t tried, but I’m glad you like them.

Stupid question alert: Are the shells removed before cooking, or do you use a pointy stick like getting out winkles?

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The ones I’ve had are in tiny yellow shells, they live in fields with wild herbs, when it rains they climb up plants/grass/herbals, easy to collect. They get fried in olive oil & garlic, they’re hooked out of their shells with a pin straight into mouth, :grin: washed down with beer.

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I’m sorry I asked now :laughing:

I like snails (to watch, not to eat)…poor little blighters

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not really fried but “warmed” in a hot frying pan.

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Oh, warmed…oh yes, makes them so much juicier doesn’t it?! :roll_eyes:

Hope they gave you bellyache :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I can see your starting to even think about getting some now…they like lettuces’ well they like your best most expensive plants and as for your little seedlings …your never have to thin them out… :woman_shrugging:

here is an Appetiser for you Trickie Nut… :woozy_face:

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I have plenty of them creeping over the front of my house in the evening…big giant things they are as well. No need for pet ones, thankyouverymuch!

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We don’t get any in French Gardens…they would just live in Fear…
See, he is terrified!

snail fear gif 3

I can believe it! They would all be plucked off any leaves, walls, stones before they got a chance to draw their little eyes in! :astonished:

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They like salt.

(no not really)

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