Smoking Dilemma

If you let me know beforehand, I’ll make sure I don’t have a cigarette until after we’ve kissed. :008: :smiley:

Well I’m not convinced. I suspect he’s not enjoying himself as much as he would have us believe. Those contented sighs sounded a bit fake to me.

One of the greatest smokers.

Gosh, that’s a blast from the past Aerolor, she was lovely wasn’t she. Such an aura about her too.

She was lovely Pesta, very elegant and with a beautiful voice - she was very sexy and funny as well.

Me too although I have decided on 80. I might have to sell the house though to pay for it. :lol:

Why not during?

I had a thing for her. It’s still in my wallet I think. :wink:

They don’t make women like that anymore…:009:


Simple choice.

Stop smoking or die.

I prefer to live.:shock:

I think there’s a bit more to not dying than that, swimfeeder. :102:

Could get run over running across the road to get to the herbal tea shop. :-p


Not in my case, it is a simple choice.

I have an inoperable heart condition, only one Coronary Artery still working and even that is a genetic abnormality, it is an extra one.

I had a quadruple bypass 18 years ago and that has stopped working.

My chest and ribs are held together with staples and wire.

I have so many injuries I do not have enougth spare bits to do another bypass.

I have no discernable pulse in my left leg and right arm.

I can have a stent fitted in my left groin, but at some considerable risk.

My right arm is gone.

I will not be smashing things with it again.

I still have use of it for normal day to day stuff.

I am not allowed to lift more than 20 kilos

My body will no longer do what my brain tells it to do.

I find it very annoying.

It is worse as a Yorkshireman as I am now having to pay people to do what I could do in July.

I can no longer use my SDS Drill or change a tyre on my car.

I have to have the Refuse Collectors take my wheelie bins up the steps.

I am an independent type of person, I do not like to be be beaten.

My planned retirement is gone, I will not be trying to catch a World Record Shark, Tuna or Grouper.

I simply no longer have the strength.

My Travel Insurance runs out in a year, so going to make the most of it until then.

The Medics tell me I could die within weeks.

I intend to defy them and have a great life until the day I do.

Well I, for one, will be cheering you on, swimfeeder. :023: