Skin care- is there really something that actually works?

I find myself now more and more putting on various ointments on my face. from Retinol, to constant vitamin oil, to oil of olay…and yet wondering does any of this work?

Ladies do you have a secret regime you use and its working? please share. I feel like I’m causing more skin break outs than less wrinkles :frowning:

Hydrate …I keep hearing this one, how much of cups of water is ideal? 4?

No I don’t believe there is .
Otherwise, why would many turn invasive options of surgery and fillers?

Just find a cream you like .


Boots No7 Men Sensitive Care Post-Shave Recovery Balm

Mrs d00d likes it too, anyone can use it: non-sticky, a little goes a long way …

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Collagen products are helpful.

An excellent sunscreen is a must where I live. Egg white based facials. Coconut oil works for me.

I use makeup so an effective makeup remover and a good cleanser are important.

I have noticed a few wrinkles around the corners of my eyes and on my forehead :089: so, I am considering botox. I’ll probably get it done this month. :079:


Keep it simple. Literally Simple cleanser and moisturisers, very good range and fragrance free.
I drink around 1.5 litres of water a day, plus tea or coffee.

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Babies Farm Moisturiser is excellent. But having said that I still have an appointment at the Dermatology Dept tomorrow A.M. at a hospital which is at least thirty miles from where I live

I rarely use anything on my skin,in the winter if i am walking and it is windy i use NealsYard face cream.
And i have had it for approx 5/6 years,that is how little i use it.
I do not think creams work,the companies are rubbing their hands together with ALL the money they make.


Depends what you want from a skin cream.
All creams work in as much as they put moisture back into the skin when you need it, but it has to be used regularly, and as someone once told me, used more often especially during, and after the menopause when us ladies naturally lose a lot of moisture.

So used a few times a day, every day, any good moisturiser, or skin cream, will make your skin look and feel much better.

In that respect, they work well.

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Ive always used creme royale, which is a moisturiser with honey and ginseng which i get from a health shop , small tub , quite expensive , but its what your type of skin likes

My mum swore by Ponds cold cream , and she had beautiful skin right up until she passed last october aged 97, ,!

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Exactly anise …water is the best for everything !!
I drink about the same either 1.5 ltrs or the 2ltrs bottle

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Botox ? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Wow your brave !

1.5 to 2 ltrs i think lookingforward

No, of course there isn’t and using heavy creams will block your pores and give you spots!

They’re all the same really, just adding a little moisture to the surface of your skin to stop it getting too grey

It’s just a question of experimenting to find one that suits your skin. Start with the cheapest and work up!

I quite like Dr Organic Royal Jelly from Holland and Barrett

This one caused a stir when surveys seemed to suggest it worked a bit

Keep it as simple as possible. You don’t need 20 different facial cleaners.

Soap and water, pat dry and lotion your skin afterwards. That’s what my black (american) grandmother told me haha

I believe they use a numbing cream. It’s the wrinkles around my eyes :eyes: that’s the issue. I’m not even sure if it can be remedied. It’s tough getting older. I’m definitely wiser though.

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I think skincare products have an expiry date.

Your skin is the biggest organ in your body - essentially your gut/intestine, so eating clean helps.

I also do not use any soaps on my face unless I really have to (like if a dog licks me or something).

If I had dry skin I would try coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil etc, but wipe on and off (otherwise your body will try to ‘dry’ your skin making any issues worse).

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My gran used Ponds cream. A lot less choice on the market in those days - now the shelves are groaning with all kinds of moisturisers/ skin creams.

My sister always used Astral, not sure if it’s still around.
I don’t like smelly creams, that’s why i prefer fragrance free Simple products.

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Bio oil is great

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this sounds interesting and promising to simplify my inventory of lotions and creams.