Six Years on

Make me! :rofl:

I’m going to do everything I can to get it reversed for as long as it takes ……

And I’m gonna make sure that the blame for the misery to come because of Brexit is laid firmly at the door of those who voted for it and who campaigned for it ……

……and those who got to be PM by promising to deliver it oven ready when they knew they couldn’t deliver the Brexit they’d promised the Brexiters at all :smirk:

Because there’s plenty of blame and misery to go around :frowning:

All democratic decisions can be reversed, otherwise it ceases to be democracy

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Blimey, you don’t half get worked up about everything, Maree. :thinking:


Make you? Don’t need to. Eventually reality will sink in for you and other remoaners!


You are right about that AT - reality is certainly sinking in already.

Nah, because what you Brexiters think is reality is just a load of old hoo hah you conned yourself into believing when you voted for it

The reality is that it’s a disaster and getting worse and that reality is beginning to dawn on more and more people, even those who voted for it

And we know who to blame :rofl:

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Indeed. The reality of just what a useless lying POS Borris Johnson is having delivered BRINO (on top of everything else)

Well, good luck Mary. I have a feeling that you’ll be pushing your intentions until you’re in your grave! Not that I want you to arrive there for a long time, of course.


Ah but Boris did “get Brexit done”

Don’t make the mistake of blaming Brexit.
The ones to blame are Boris and his other closet remoaners.
They have tried their best to keep us tied to the EU - and to keep paying them for doing their best to make life more difficult for us.
I’d like to think that their time will come, as there is still a majority of British citizens who definitely want to keep our sovereignty.

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He might try to claim that, but most of us know the truth.
He’s not a Conservative; he’s a Green-Limp-Dem!

Well, I for one miss Brexit, it was such fun.

…and when they were in, they were in
and when they were out, they were out
and when they were only half way out
they were neither in nor out…


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brilliant bruce a song of the century - and I like the singer too such gusto and stupendeo or is that stupidio ?

what about brexit brexit up in the sky
we aint had no money since
jan feb june and goodbye!

Thanks, it depends how long I’ve got before I’m brown bread, I suppose :rofl::coffin::bread:

But I’m hoping we’ll be able to put things right within 10 years so I’ll try to hang on in there……:muscle:t4:

Imagine if the vote had gone the other way, and the Remainers had won.

There could have been a situation where the Brexiteers poo pooed every decision, threw every log across the tracks, joined with the Civil Service to make sure that nobody ever got what they wanted.

By now, we wouldn’t be supporting Ukraine, many of us wouldn’t be properly vaccinated, Macron would be helping that German woman run the UK. It goes on and on.

As do the remainers!



Personally, I think that there needed to be a more decisive vote, this just scraping past with a tiny majority on such an important issue was in nobody’s interest. It needed more than a simple majority to be accepted, as it is half the population is dissatisfied with the result hence all the squabbling.

If the remainers had won by a small margin there would be less squabbling because it was just the status quo. A change needs a much bigger majority

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It would have been much better to have had the opportunity to vote way back when they took us into the EU.

“No ifs, no buts, YOU’RE IN!”

There’s the mistake, right there!

That’ what caused most, if not all, of the problem.

From there it took many years before someone thought to ask the public if it wanted to be in, by which time we were so entrenched that getting out was going to be very problematic.

You reap what you sow!

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Less than half are dissatisfied with the result Brucie, and if the referendum was repeated I think there would be more of a drift towards brexit. But it’s the ones who have the influence that cause the problems.

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They did, I voted “No” in 1975(?) nearly 70% voted “Yes” (from memory) a similar percentage should have been required to leave, no one would argue with a result like that.

BTW I don’t accept that it was a vote for the Common Market not the EU. Britain was a member of the governing body for all these subsequent changes.

Don’t quibble, It was 51.9% to 48.1% wasn’t it? only 1% changing their vote would change the result, effectively it was a tied vote.

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The French -German - Normans- Danes- etc all wanted to rule us and we beat off all of them. What is it with the continentals who are not happy with the country they are in ? what they lack in undestanding is we are an ISLAND nation with our own monachy, the French and German monachy? well we all know what happend to them.
Those against brexit I don’t understand if they are so keen to be in the EU why they don’t go and live there. that would free up our Housing and NHS issues. If they don’t like living in the UK as it is now GET OUT and LEAVE


I think even the UK might find itself in trouble if 48% of the population got up and left. And just think of the effect on your house price RS

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