Mrs Killjoy is here … As a sufferer with a bad reaction brought on from other people’s perfume. I think all perfumes and aftershaves should be banned in public places.
So many people who are perfume sensitive and allergic to the chemicals contained in them, really do suffer.
Fake or genuine, l find perfumes an intrusion to my personal space.
Well Mrs Killjoy … I can see your point of view, as some perfumes are pretty heavy and are like getting smothered in cheap sheep dip which leaves you gagging for breath …but … no, you can’t seriously ban perfumes.
I went to a theatre last week and a woman sitting two rows in front of me was wearing very strong perfume. There’s only so long you can hold your breath! I thought l would pass out! Honestly, that’s how badly it affects me.
I suppose, if people aren’t affected they cannot understand. I get wheezy and feel really ill. It’s the chemicals in them.
Art , I saw a post on Tripadvisor asking for hotels who don’t use air fresheners recommendations for the same reason as you .She won’t find any.
Unfortunate that some have these sensitivities isn’t it ?
Women who drown themselves in perfume when they’re going to the theatre are selfish nuisances .
Artangel, my best friend is also sensitive to some “perfumes” and has similar reactions to you. She will start coughing and have breathing problems and nausea.
Not fun. But I don’t really see how you can ban them.
I hate these plug in artificial air fresheners, yuk! It would be easier to ban them in public places but I can’t see it happening.
Nah. I sympathise Art but I can’t see that one happening. Not in public leastways. I mean smoking hasn’t even been banned in public yet has it?..And by public I mean everywhere apart from your own home - with no children or pets around - Don’t think so. But the workplace is a different deal. You can’t smoke, talk, smile, eat, drink (anything) tell a joke, break wind, say something nice to somebody else or even bloody sit down sometimes in workplaces these days. So I can’t see why perfumes and colognes couldn’t be banned. There so many people looking for work I think you tell them to come to work in a suit of armour - odourless of course - and some of them would to get a job
It’s a ridiculous idea. Quite apart from the practicalities of enforcing a ban on scent - do we recruit perfume police to sniff everyone on the street? Are we going to ban people who smell of BO because I find it offensive? People who are eating peanuts inn case the smell gives someone a reaction?
The police don’t even bother to fine adults who ride bikes through our town centre despite notices, and these can knock elderly people off their feet.
Mr M has the same problem Art he starts to cough and sneeze walking through the perfume dept of a store and also by those shops that sell soap cut off blocks.
I don’t mind light fragrances .
I love perfume myself but it’s personal taste you don’t want to be gassed by someone else’s choice .
Better than walking through a corridor of smokers puffing their heads off outside shops pubs etc .
Perhaps I’m being selfish but I would hate for perfumes to be banned. I like to smell nice. Only last night I sprayed myself with J’Adore tester and it smelled divine.
I would much rather smell nice perfume smells than horrible body odour, it makes me gip. I was once in a washroom and a woman came in with a burka on and all the heavy black attire, it was a red hot day and she stank vile, made me feel sick. Urgh, never forgotten that.
Yes, l’m sure your perfume was lovely to you but for some others that smell would be horrible and cause them to feel as if they had been poisoned!
My point is, why should l have to smell other people’s perfume?
why should we have to do a lot of things in life, that’s life. I guess we can’t please all of the people all of the time.
I suppose I could say, why should I have to smell other peoples body odour
Scent is such an integral part of our lives that restrictions will sound crazy to many — in the same way it was hard to imagine smoking bans in the Sixties — but the majority of people would support fragrance bans, according to one recent study.
The research found 53 per cent of people would support a fragrance-free policy in their workplace.
In Canada, many hospitals and firms have already done this — banning air fresheners, pot pourri and diffusers. Other policies go so far as to ask people to refrain from using scented toiletries, deodorants and perfumes.
Just reading up about perfumes and I found that perfume has been around for thousands of years.
To date, the oldest perfumery was discovered on the island of Cyprus.[5] Excavations in 2004-2005 under the initiative of an Italian archaeological team unearthed evidence of an enormous factory that existed 4,000 years ago during the Bronze Age.[6] This covered an estimated surface area of over 4,000m² indicating that perfume manufacturing was on an industrial scale.[7] The news of this discovery was reported extensively through the world press and many artifacts are already on display in Rome.[8] The Bible describes a sacred perfume (Exodus 30:22-33) consisting of liquid myrrh, fragrant cinnamon, fragrant cane, and cassia. Its use was forbidden, except by the priests. The women wore perfume to present their beauty.
Interesting, never really thought of when perfume originated
I personally hope they don’t ban it but I can understand the banning of those plug in air freshners and sprays.