Should Perfume And Aftershave Be Banned In Public Places?

Muddy, l feel sorry for Mr M. :slight_smile:

When my daughter lived with me she always used the liquid detergents for her washing.
When she took them out of the washing machine, you would have laughed at the sight of me diving out of the front door, gasping for fresh air.
The same when people pass me in the street or in a store, l can smell the pungent soap powder aroma coming from their clothes.

Very good, Bruce.

Eh!!!..deprive Me of My wee whiff of Youth Dew when I go out…nae chance Arty cos it makes Me feel Youthful again :-p…maybe You should be banned from ever leaving Your Home and complaining about Us (just kidding Kiddo)…mibbe :mrgreen:

No l don’t, Twink. Recently, I threw out nearly a full bottle of Escado perfume that my husband bought me about 20 years ago.
My ‘smell’ is of freshly bathed and hair washed in expensive Paul Mitchell shampoo.
I can take subtle perfumes on other people but not the powerful ones like Youth Dew, Poison or their modern equivalent that take over everyone else’s ‘space’.


That’s probably because they use Aldi’s:


:lol::lol: Yes, you’re right! May. I should be banned from leaving my home as l am just a Moaning Mini!

You use Youth Dew? Oh Dear, you’ll excuse me, whilst l bolt it. I’m too young to die! :lol::lol:

I’ll ask the pungent smellers the next time, l sniff one! :lol:

Good Housekeeping magazine like it!

Glanny, l feel sorry for your friend but then these days, people seem to becoming allergic to the strangest of things!
I wonder why?

Mups, :slight_smile: You must’ve noticed that l started this thread after reading the ‘perfume’ thread that you started.

Yes, a smellometer sounds a good idea. It could have an added hose to reduce the pungency!

I even come out of the dental practice l go to, smelling of my dentist!

Keezoy, I know, it will never happen. I am being pie in the sky here!
Seeing as l and other sufferers are the problem. Maybe, we should wear one of those clear plastic globes on our heads when we go out amongst the public! :lol:

Yes Annie and when you walk through a Department store like House Of Fraser and Debenhams where customers spray different perfumes wiliy-nilly.

Drinking, smoking, sex and now perfume? :shock:

I have had it sprayed on my neck but that’s it. :-p