Shocked neighbours call police after mum hangs Nazi swastika flag in bedroom

:innocent: :grinning:
Choose pleaseā€¦


Somehow I suspect it would end up going extremely slow PK :wink:

And we all know just how popular that little concept is. :rofl::rofl:

Skull and Cross Bones?

Seriously, I donā€™t get offended by that or much else. Maybe some people have too much time on their hands.

To me I saw a lot of my Grandadā€™s War Photoā€™s as a youngster, much to the disgust of my late Dadā€¦but it is not something many can just brush offā€¦including me. I live in a Country that many will not forgive or foget and I see why.
So the Nazi Flag will always make me think of the sheer brutality of the War.
Nazi Flag=Hitler


God knows why anyone would want a swastika in their bedroom but ā€¦

ā€œOur officers attended the address that evening and gave strong words of advice to the person living there to advise that possession of [the flag] was not illegal, but that if it can be viewed from a public area, this could be considered a racially aggravated public order offence.

how can you commit a public order offence inside your own home ā€¦in your own space ā€¦

This sounds as silly as when people have come unstuck for wandering around naked in their own home.
I certainly wouldnā€™t have contacted the counter terror cops.

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Our local Pet Food Shop always flies the skull and crossed bones at Halloweā€™en.

I fly the Irish Republican flag in my sitting room window on St Patrickā€™s day along with my Shamrock lights - noone has complained so far.

Definitely would not want a nazi flag anywhere in the house though.

As I understand it, it is considered a public order offence because the person was not satisfied with keeping it to herself but wanted to send a message to passers-by, the public in other words, by displaying it.

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I see what youā€™re saying and at risk of nitpicking Iā€™d have to know whether the flag was actually hanging ā€˜in the windowā€™ ā€¦ or was on a wall but still viewable from outside.

So if I had a full life size male nude on my wall and a passerby looked in and saw it could they report me for pornographic images in a public place?

Yet, if anyone looked in a house and a saw a murder been committed clearly they ought to alert the police ASAP.

My point been ā€¦ itā€™s just odd in terms of the law.

Bit of a strange one. The piccie would only be deemed pornographic if he was homo erectus.

well of course heā€™d walk upright Dex ā€¦

Morti you could always cut that bit out :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Depends on what is legal and what is not. A male nude wouldnā€™t be considered pornographic over here either.
In my book the crucial point seems to be whether a person can restrain themselves from communicating certain beliefs or preferences to the public or not. If they manage to, everything will be alright.

Or just stick a scouring pad on it.

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Oh thatā€™s a tricky one ā€¦ who gets to define certain beliefs?
Who gets to judge what is offensive.
I might find a mosque objectionable but theyā€™re not against the law.

Iā€™m just not ready for this wokeish world.


Snap! Itā€™s all in the ā€˜eye of the Beholderā€™ as they used to say.

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And therein lies another paradox about how the woke arenā€™t awake to the fact that so many people find them offensive.

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My feelings entirely Di and although I have no animosity towards todayā€™s Germans, I do have problems with the higher commanders of both 1st and 2nd world wars on ALL sides.


Well, I wouldnā€™t one either. Nor any others for that matter. Itā€™s just not my thing. Not a big deal.

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The Swastika is a very ancient symbol she could have been Hindu ?
Probably not though.

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A few years ago, some cultures tried to ban the Peppa Pig cartoon, and I also remember a wee lady having to remove pig ornaments from her windowsill, because some ethnic people living in the street found them offensive. :woman_shrugging: