How do you spent your time being seperated divorced single or widowed over 50s?
I’d have to give the same answer as I gave in another thread.
One thing I have never been since I retired is bored, I often wonder how I ever managed to fit work into my schedule.
You could change the word “retired” to “divorced” but then again it is not that I was bored before I divorced.
Yes thank you Bruce…Myself never gets bored i have learned to mke the best of life and also see the beauty in everything…I keep busy from 5 am to about 7 pm.It can get alone but never lonely.i listen tpo heps of audio books makes crafts and go and spend quiet time in nature i also started penpaling the old fashion way painting crafting…or just me time…
ahhh thats super sweet thank you Bruce…still trying to figure it out and glad i met a forum friend.
Welcome to the forum AnnStarDust, it sounds like you have got it just about right…
Although I’m married and have been for 52 years, I have lots of hobbies, ones for sunny days, and some for rainy ones. I even talk to Mrs Fox occasionally…
Greetings and welcome.
Seems to be 2 different subjects being addressed here, 1: single / divorced- happily, 2: retirement - hate it, I’m a workoholic, only retired because of health, and being an introvert, seldom bored.
you gve me quite a chuckle…im glad mrs fox also gets to hear you sometimes…thank you for the warm welcome…now to just figure it all out…i never been on a chat forum before.
thank you Mags…so glad i found this site,and you all.
well im glad you also making the very best of it Raven…im not sure if im introverted because i love being outside…lol…but alone in the open…just me and nature…and home talking to online friends of course…what keeps you busy Raven?
Good morning Ms. AnnStarDust, being an introvert outside is no different from being an introvert on the inside( I love the out doors), an introvert is an individual who enjoys spending time alone, is generally quiet, and more comfortable around small groups.I am disabled, so activities are limited somewhat, but I ride my stationary bike 2-3 hours everyday, lift (light weight) 3 times a week, I love serious discussion so I participate in online discussion groups, play games (Doctor recommends), and I venture to the local pub for a coffee once or twice a week.
Welcome, Ann.
I’m a single-married woman
with a husband who has been gone with work about 60% of our married life since '85. I posted a thread about how we spend out free time and seem to have only a few minutes of it every day.
Hello AnnStarDust welcome to the forum.
Welcome AnnStarDust
Plenty of games on here ASD to keep you out of the mischiefmakersways…
You will get discussions on here and if in doubt wear boxing gloves and your’ll be just fine…
I love your reposnse and obvious it makes me agree with you about introversy…im so glad you keep being so acive and positive//////and thank you for being a connection here…I am new here completely …my spiritual path is also very new to me so just finding my way…so would be happy to join any of those discussions…
Thank you Ms.Alice…I love that name…Mmmm Wonderland…makes my innerchild start jumping…hehhe
Is it possible to also tag me in that post dear Surfermom…I guess you and your husband have excellent understanding
hahaha my boxing gloves…lol…thank you Dianne