Selfish, entitled cyclists

Have to admit I’m also struggling to see how it could be implemented. New bikes only at first? I mean, registering and insuring existing bikes could only possibly be reliant on owners coming forward to do so, surely? And who’s going to do that? Unless, of course, there’s going to be a huge operation of stopping every bike on the road and asking for documents? They surely haven’t got the manpower for that sort of exercise, have they?


Fair comment, Dex.
Also, what happens when bikes get nicked (loads of that round here), and behave dangerously when it is not the owner’s fault at all?

I suppose we could say the same about cars though?


Spot on Pixie!
I’m going to stick my neck out and suggest this isn’t going to happen.
Unenforceable and impractical, besides since the government seem incapable of organising an event in a brewery I can only imagine they’d make a complete and utter hash of it if they were to try.

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Aye, its a nice idea and its good that something “appears” to be getting done about it, but no…not going happen.

Which is perhaps why they shouldn’t even try. Creating an unenforceable law can have detrimental effects to other laws and weaken their thunder. Ie…if we can get away with this, then maybe we can get away with that…

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Bike sales would plummet…all the cycle paths would become overgrown, and then drivers would complain that the roads which had space for bikes (now non-existent) could be removed.

True, yes…it happens lots round here too


Yes that went through my mind immediately - it was a throwaway comment really. Everyone would buy second hand. There would be a new, thriving business in bike restoration! Well, there probably already is, but it would expand exponentially.

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So, we’re back to finding different ways to change a tiny number of people’s irritating, selfish and at times potentially dangerous attitudes and habits. Hmmm, that sentence could be thrown into a range of discussions.

Unless unless…the government had us all snooping on each other and reporting on bikes which were on the road. For a small payment of course!

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This could create a new opportunity in the net curtain industry.

Oh things have moved on now…everyone uses mobile phone cameras. It provides actual visual evidence now, rather than vague descriptions from Mrs Brown down the road who hasn’t got the best eyesight anyway.


I hope they enforce this for e-cycles and e-scooters. Many of these are recently purchased and can be modified to override speed restrictions. Anything that needs to be plugged in to charge should have a licence plate and insurance. That includes all mobility scooters - I’ve seen some speed freak mobility scooter users on the pavements too since lockdown. 100% self propelled cycles should be excluded. But all cycles on public roads should be subject to speed limits and carry speedometers.


While speed limits have only applied to motorised vehicles until recently bicycles really didn’t speed except on downhill stretches because 30 mph was the lowest commonly used limit
Now we are seeing 20mph increasingly introduced you can sort of understand why you may say bicycles should obey that limit. While many cyclists have a bike computer or phone there is no obligation to use it as a speedometer and bikes are seldom if ever sold with a speedometer.

Licensing cyclists or bicycles would we introduce that for all ages or just for adults? Would you make the bikeability the official qualifying training and then you can hold a bicycle licence?

Bicycle registration plate or markings so transgressors can be caught on camera rather than relying the copper catching a cyclist bang to rights. It is perfectly possible that it may work quite well. It may also cut down on theft, but how much would it cost? Would cyclists go good idea let’s do it or find the cost means a lot of occasional cyclists give up their bicycles?

Insurance, actually a lot of people on bicycles are insured you do not need registrations for this.

However this was said by the current Minister for Transport so he probably has less than a month in that post so these are at best proposals and he has already started to row back on the idea of a bicycle or cyclist database so the speeding bit may stick the rest who knows.


It was mentioned that a lot of cyclists are motorists too. How does that work? I’m a motorist,motorcycle rider and a van driver but each vehicle use on the road has to be insured, taxed and tested so why should cyclists be immune
It’s about time cyclists took responsibility and it’s more than time the government stepped up and forced the issue


There are plans suggested to clamp down on cyclists. Suggestions that they should have number plates, stick to a 20 mile speed limit, have insurance and get speeding fines!

I bet that’s wiped the smile off their faces since they thought they’d become kings and queens of the road!
Some of those militant cyclists need the smile wiped off their faces!

Would you agree, or do you think these new suggestions are unreasonable?

Scroll down to the selfish cyclists thread. This was discussed earlier today (weds)

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I mentioned this in a post a litlte while ago Artangel.

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Whoops Sorry.
To, the man who can…
Please delete this thread, or add it to the current thread.

Many apologies.

Think I might of read about this somewhere on the selfish cyclist thread

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Actually, l already knew it was mentioned in another thread but l was just testing that you were all awake and on the ball!

Lickle fibber, aren’t l? :laughing: