Seeing the International Space Station

The weather seems to be a lot more promising today so…

Still clear here with 30 minutes to go

Excellent view again, through Orions shoulder this time, it is blooming cold out there though…

There is a quicker lower pass at 7:38pm

Not a bad second pass as well but pretty cold

For Thursday…just a quick tonight :frowning:

Chance of seeing the International Space Station tonight at 6:49pm weather permitting for 2 minutes, it’s at an angle of about 82 degrees for Northampton, so anywhere South of that it will be higher in the sky and anywhere North it will be lower in the sky.

As per usual to see it, go outside and face South, the ISS will be a bright steady white light that crosses the sky from West to East.

Update for Friday…would be good tonight if there is any clear weather

Friday 1st February Sighting of ISS at 5:58pm

Excellent Chance of seeing the International Space Station tonight at 5:58pm weather permitting for 4 minutes, it’s at an angle of about 85 degrees for Reading, so anywhere South of that it will be higher in the sky and anywhere North it will be lower in the sky.

As per usual to see it, go outside and face South, the ISS will be a bright steady white light that crosses the sky from West to East.

6:41pm tonight for about 4 minutes if any clear skies, that is for Saturday

6.43 and 2 minutes here :cool2:

And I saw it for once.

Was out in the cold from 6.40 til 6.46 and didn’t see anything , it was a clear sky too. It was too cold to stay out any longer even though I had my coat on.:frowning:

Jolly Good :cool:

Not sure what would have gone wrong there :frowning: disappointing though, I wonder if you can be too far South or West so that the ISS does not catch the light?

5:49pm tonight Sunday and I checked that for both Newcastle and Plymouth so everyone should be able to see it, it is very bright and lasts for 6 minutes
It is then back at 7:27pm for a low 2 minute pass…so get the thermals on!

Not such a great sighting tonight as it only lasts for 2 minutes so a bit of a quickie

Monday 4th of February Sighting of ISS at 6:37pm

OK Chance of seeing the International Space Station tonight at 6:37pm weather permitting for 2 minutes, it’s at an angle of about 53 degrees for Luton, so anywhere South of that it will be higher in the sky and anywhere North it will be lower in the sky.

As per usual to see it, go outside and face South, the ISS will be a bright steady white light that crosses the sky from West to East.

No sighting for me last night, it was a mix of cloud and clear so it obviously chose the path through the clouds :frowning:

Same here is was clearing just as it was due but was a bit to late :frowning: still there is always tonight! :slight_smile: actually tomorrow nights is better than tonight’s…

This is the last of the current batch of sightings…these are for Sheffield

6:34pmmy app says for tonight and should be good in the South

Thanks Colin :slight_smile:

Not sure how South you are Mags but at Plymouth it passes almost overhead

Bristol :slight_smile:

Not that far from Plymouth I suppose :slight_smile:

That was an excellent but a bit strange as it looked like two lights, not sure if it might just be the solar panels list up…faded just when it just past Orion