Seeing the International Space Station

I think this current lot’s coming to an end now.

I don’t know when it’ll be back or whether it’ll be morning or night sightings when it does, but watch this space :001:

Good on you Nicol…looking forward to seeing the Christmas lights on the Space Station…Colin promised…:smiley:


Bit of a problem with that, you remember the last supply craft that failed and astronauts had to parachute back to Earth? Well that was also carrying the Woolies 128 Christmas lights pack and the 12 volt fuses :shock:

Oh bugger!..:022:

… and I was looking forward to seeing the coloured lights too, Bob :wink: :lol:

I know…What a let down Mags…:frowning:

It’s about time they illuminated the moon with some nice Christmas lights…How hard can it be?..:102:
One small step for man…One giant Christmas Decoration for mankind…:smiley:

Now that would be worth seeing! :lol:

Perhaps Richard Branson or Bill Gates could do something useful with their money Mags…They’d certainly get my thumbs up…:023:

We can live in hope Bob… :smiley:

Next lot of sightings, times are for Birmingham.

Thanks Nicol, those are more respectable times, just hoping we have a few clear skies then. :slight_smile:

We might have a few million crappy European light bulbs left over next year. We could send those up. :mrgreen:

Yes, if we turn them on now they might just be bright enough to see them next year Longdogs…:cool:

A pink moon will look good for a while. :lol:

Next lot, times are for Birmingham

Next lot, looks like it’s gone until 22nd when it switches to mornings.

Next lot of sightings, times are for Birmingham

Next lot, times are for Birmingham…

I forgot I started this thread :smiley:

I should use this one really…

Wednesday time is 6:04pm for about 3 minutes and quite high in the sky at about 60 degrees for Derby, higher if you are South of Derby and lower if you are North of Derby.

Just to mention that Venus, Jupiter and the Moon are looking fantastic in the Morning Sky

Nicol has been keeping it warm for you.

Too cloudy here yesterday. :cry: