Scumbag vs scumbag (head-to-head 2024 election debate on ITV)

Can’t stand either of these scumbags:

  • Both genocide supporters
  • Both support greed
  • Both don’t really care about us/the people
  • Both despicable and worthy of contempt

Sooner society gets rid of politicians like these the better!

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I’m sure some actually believe the stuff they come out with,But these two know it’s all BS just to keep them in a job.


The debate is becoming another post office scandal, a public soap opera.

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We need a Putin, he’d sort out the country and all those money grabbing bloodsuckers…

click to view image - contains a backside

Two Party Fiasco

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Yes,he knows what to do with the opposition,permanently.
Good to see you back OGF and I see you haven’t lost your sense of humour.


I do not agree with that statement but that is not important.

Good to “see” you back here! I hope you recover(ed) well :+1:

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a murdering scumbag is that really what people WANT…Putin one of the most hated non human beings in this world…Maybe you should show your true colours more…
you really believe the tripe your spurting out…
Who is going to bury all the non essential people as Putin can do that with PLEASURES… You are not Famous You are not Mega Rich You are Surplus to requirements… so let PUTIN GET RID OF THESE so called spares, normal everyday people…they are not wanted anymore in your views…

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Humour…where tell me is the Humour in his garbage posts?
Putin is his Idol…going by his obscene Posts…

I was being sarcastic :grinning:

I apologise for I am upset beyond belief that any normal human can condone such an evil an evil being that is aloud to breathe…many people as myself are fighting their own battles but it will never ever take away the fact that the human race is very unique and precious and constantly bombarded with enemies coming at us in many frightening forms…


Sir Kneel Starmer, the next PM of UK. A daunting nightmare for us all.


(Honest question:) Why will he be a nightmare?

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So that’s a no then Dianne.?

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He lacks sincerity.

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Nigel Farage runs rings around them, he would make the others look and sound amateurish.

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I must admit that I am trying not to laugh out loud. You think that K. S. will be a nightmare because he lacks sincerity. Okay, good that there have been no PMs where this was the case so far.

That is why UK needs a change, FPTP system a dictatorial regime to keep two parties who have had decades; a lifetime to ruin a once great nation. LOL all you like, it is the best medicine, think I’ll join you. :laughing: :joy: