Scotland shaken by early-hours earthquake


The earthquake, with a magnitude of 3.3 according to British Geological Survey (BGS), happened just before 02:00.

BGS said its epicentre was at Achnamara west of Lochgilphead in Argyll and Bute.

More than 30 people have reported feeling the tremor, from as far away as Edinburgh and Ballycastle in Northern Ireland.

The survey recorded the quake at a depth of 12km below the Earth’s surface.

Map: Earthquake area

Data from BGS shows that between 200 and 300 earthquakes are detected in the UK every year, with tremors of between 3.0 and 3.9 magnitude happening on the mainland once every three years on average.

The overnight earthquake registered on all the seismographs across Ireland.

That magnitude will certainly rattle your bones … :skull_and_crossbones:


Never felt a thing :woman_shrugging: Although I was woken by the dog at 01:30 - 45-ish, so perhaps she was disturbed… :open_mouth:

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They should have had it last week when all the Cop26 mob were there.


@Omah I love that the picture they use is of a lake with a glassy surface!
Personally I had enough of Earth Quakes when I lived in California. :grinning:

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Yes, could well have been the dog it that time. And not so from your area…


LOL … this was the after shock :wink::ok_hand:

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Yes @Besoeker dogs are extremely sensitive to this stuff, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she sensed it.

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I was in Crete in September this year when we had a 5.8 earthquake. The earth certainly moved for me!

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I reckon it was just a wee party cos we beat Denmark at football

Probably Caveman dropping his wallet.

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