Just heard that Salman Rushdie has been stabbed .
15 times,…poor man, I do hope he recovers from this “ horrific “ ordeal, I can’t even imagine how terrifying that must have been for him!
Praying for him and his family,
I hope that he is OK too .
Wicked people .
I will keep checking for updates regarding his progress…
Stabbed in the neck, in full view of everyone!
Does he have no security people with him?
It’s been 33 years maybe he thought he was in the clear now .
I’ve heard he is ok. Was it real or a publicity stunt to revive his career?
He’s 75 why would be want to revive his career , being stabbed in the neck several times is hardly the sort of thing people do for publicity .
I can’t imagine anyone arranging to be stabbed for publicity, Annie!
Just read, he is undergoing surgery, his condition is unknown…
Wicked. Just wicked.
Yes wicked , poor man . Awful for the audience to witness
They have identified the attacker who is 24 .
Remains to be seen what is the motive but the history and usual cowardly attack mode suggests some sort of terrorist / religious fanatic
It could be just a disgruntled reader who was made to read his books at school, Rushdie’s books are incredibly tedious.
More talked about than read I suspect. Has anyone on here ever read one?
I have - just one - ‘Midnight’s Children’. An interesting subject handled in a very dry and boring style but I made it to the end.
Tried - more than once - to read the one that caused him to have death threats - ‘The Satanic Verses’ - but never made it out of the first chapter - very dull and the text did not flow. Not attempted any of the others.
Was astonished to learn he had been Knighted for his ‘services to literature’ .
2007 must have been a dull year - unless, of course, it wa a sympathy vote.
I wish him a speedy recovery and hope his assailant is dealt with appropriately.
I think you are very brave struggling to the end, he probably deserved a fatwa for his writing style alone, I have never finished one.
There is only one other author I have struggled with and that was Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time, I never got past page 3 (might have been page 2) but that was purely because I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about - read those pages about 20 times and didn’t understand it at all.
I have just read this poor man after that horrific attack, is on a ventilator and may lose an eye ,after he was attacked,
What a VICIOUS attack this must have been, the information came from his agent,…
Praying for him and his family.
I suppose the fanatic world will rejoice that a coward can knife a defenceless old man .
Driven by hatred!!!..i guess if you are fed hatred by these fanatics, who have probably been fed hate into them as young children growing up…brainwashed and conditioned, for hatred to grow in their hearts.
Absolutely appalling, and this poor man ,is another one of their victims…on a ventilator and maybe a loss of his eye…
Gosh this is terrible isn’t it…I just read that he is likely to lose an eye be unable to speak and has the nerves severed in one leg.
Really terrible injuries I want to say I hope he survives but you know he might think differently