Salman Rushdie has been stabbed

I bet most of the fanatics have never so much as looked as his books. I read some of Midnights Children but tbh have forgotten what it was about . I need easy pap these days .

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It made me feel sick reading about his injuries, never mind thinking about the shock and trauma he is suffering.

Why do people hate so much that they have to attack and mutilate people with the intention of killing them?

Because they are fanatics and have been
a) indoctrinated to hate

I mean this is a 24 year old man who lives in the US the land of the free , and of free speech why would he support a tyrannical regime run by nutters who objected to a boring and not even offensive book written 30+ Years ago .

b) He is a fanatic from that tyrannical regime who has somehow got to the states and wants the reward for murdering Rushdie


Appears that the man has links with the terrorist group Hezbollah .

And these extremists are supposed to be people of Godā€¦OK if they say so :roll_eyes:

Iā€™m really sorry for Salmanā€¦no one deserves such horror happening to them when all they were doing was writing his thoughts in a book.

Oh but I forgotā€¦whatā€™s freedom of speech now?

[quote=ā€œMuddy, post:23, topic:93000ā€]
Because they are fanatics and have been
a) indoctrinated to hate[/quote]
Yes, but indoctrinated by whom?

@Besoeker - the thing againgst Rushie began with the infamous Ayotollah - must have carried on from there.

Probably true - all because of a novel, non fiction.


Nicely put.

Radical Islamists .

And there are plenty of them out there ā€¦ā€¦.

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What a world

Poor salman rushdie

[quote=ā€œMuddy, post:31, topic:93000ā€]
And there are plenty of them out there ā€¦ā€¦[/quote]
That there are. Realistically what are their objectives. Rule the world?

In a word yes.
They make no secret of their aim and are carrying it out .
Why do you think most illegal migrants are young men from Islamic countries.
If they were fleeing death why do they leave their womenfolk behind ?

Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not Islamicā€¦

A misogynistic reactionary religion .

Are you not a fan then?

As a woman I would not recommend Islam if one is thinking of converting .

Save you a fortune in hairdressing though

Can you imagine having to wear a tight scarf in this weather ?
Yet this is what woman are obliged to wear in many Islamic countries which are hot for much of the time Add a tent with a tiny net window and you would know what a burqa feels like .