Russell Brand: The Queen’s Funeral - The HIDDEN Truth THAT NOBODY’S TALKING ABOUT

Well, a man’s gotta earn a living somehow.

The man is a total knob and I’ve no idea why anyone would want to listen to a word he says, he’s a complete waste of space… please let me know if I’ve forgotten anything… :wink:

The big difference is we have free speech and can criticize.

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I agree :slightly_smiling_face:

I agree with that statement .
On the day of the funeral I went for a long walk along the seafront.
I was the only oldie , everyone else was 40ish and younger.

I’m sure many young people would be unable to name the Queens children.

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I taught my daughter to recognise Andrew and run away, in case he offered her a lift, pizza, ice cream or sweetie.


I think freedom of speech is being diminished each day Scot.
When all the ‘woke’ people get on your case you have to be careful how you describe anyone or cause them offence if you criticise them. The manipulation of us through the media that is controlled by the establishment, determines what is normal and what is not. We police ourselves.


@OldGreyFox , Sounds familiar Foxey!! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I don’t keep up with celebs Kazz… so don’t know (or can’t remb) what they’ve done (wouldn’t surprise me if it was something stupid tho!)

You could say that :lol:

Every now and again I will look at the YouTube ‘trending’ page, just to see what’s currently popular - if anything catches my eye I’ll have a quick look. He’s got quite a following so was curious what message he was sending his followers…

I used to listen to Brand as well as Hopkins one being left and the other right.

I dont bother with either now as both are idiots.


Did you wake up with your face in your plate?:wink:

I listened to most of this and my take away is that Brand has no imagination and thinks very little of the British public, probably very little of human civilisation altogether.

There is not a single country on earth that has no elites. Even attempts at communism have just created a level of elites. Most people don’t want to lead, they want others to make decisions for them so that they can then complain, but very few want to take the reigns and when they do (say via revolution) they almost always make just as much a hash of it and they just create layers of power.

So in Britain we play it safe by not destroying the old order which has worked pretty well for centuries in providing prosperity and peace to the country. Most people agree that our elected representatives seem to make quite a mess of things.

There’s been a movement away from higher principles that formed a moral compass in past decades. I guess the Queen encapsulated that principled lifestyle with her belief in duty and service to the country, the opposite of our self-serving politicos.


Bravo Annie… :clap:

Loved him in “St Trinians”!

When I was still at primary school I remember my mother complaining to my old man that she was fed up with going on holiday and looking at “piles of old stones and holes in the ground”. From then on our holidays did provide more variety but castles, ruins and old buildings still featured heavily.

When Brand was talking about the end of an era because of a shift in militaristic power, it reminded me of this graphic I saw recently. It was the number of countries that gained independence from UK with the dates. I was expecting to see dates hundreds of years ago. Most of the dates are within the last century.

So much has changed in the last century. The sources of power have shifted quite dramatically in a relatively short period of time, quite likely due to the internet and how information can be seen so rapidly by so many.

The end of the video got a little disjointed. He seemed to be grasping to find an answer to the idea that if this is the end of an era, what’s the new era going to be about? He didn’t seem to have an answer.

Well that’s about 15 minutes of my life I’ll never get back…bit of a waffle :waffle:

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If he smartened himself up a bit and learned to speak properly, it might make him more interesting and listenable…

He needs Katie Hopkins Elocution Lessons.

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It’s a carefully cultivated style of speech. He quite deliberately drops 't’s all over the place, but he doesn’t always remember to do it. If it weren’t for the fact that watching it again would put even more money in his pockets, I’d love to count the number of perfectly enunciated words where he’s forgotten to drop the ‘t’ :joy:

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Azz, After your recommendation, l did watch this.
To start with Russell Brand was fine and then he waffled on bit.

I’m afraid… for me it was a case of… less is more!!

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