Runner Beans

Think winters might be early this year.

Leaves on the trees turning yellow.

Non Hardy plants dying off.

A heavy frost a few days ago with another one forecast in two days time hopefully will also start killing the weeds.

No Meg, I removed my plant about three weeks ago. There were still plenty of beans but they were tough as old boots. The flowers had finished, so I thought it best to just clear them. i will probably try a different name next year.

Similarly, Marge removed her beans (‘green beans’ she says, ‘not runner beans’) at the beginning of September.

Nevertheless, she came in every day before that with a great handful of them.

Personally, I’m not complaining; I was sick of green beans with every meal!

Yes Galty :-)it looks like it might be, we have had 4 white frosts here already and that is very early…

LD :slight_smile: I have had loads of beans in the last few weeks. I pick them when they small.
I grow a variety called ‘Aintree’ they are stringless and sweet and tender with a good crop. They actually like beans, many beans don’t seem to taste of anything these days…

thanks Meg. I have made a note of Aintree for next year along with Moonlight and Snowstorm.

Just picked another hand full and plenty more on the plants. depending now on weather and temperature
Almost big enough to pick

Well done Bazza :slight_smile: I am having runner beans for lunch and think there will be one more picking to come.

Mine finished weeks ago, although I have to admit that after six weeks of beans beans and more beans I’m happy to tidy the plants away… :slight_smile:

I have to say I found them a bit… windy. :wink:

Oh, you should try baked beans, or mushy peas. They leave green beans standing in the tooting stakes.

and to be sure to knoww where your backside is, follow up with prunes as the second course

I’ve heard that some use a mixture of prunes and peanuts for pebble-dashing walls.


Right, here we go, I’m looking for runner bean seeds for this year. Last year’s were fine first of all but soon became tough as old boots.

I noted a couple of previous suggestions, Aintree and Snowstorm. I think my local garden centre have got Snowstorm in stock.

Any other recommendations?

I noticed they had some called Tenderstar which is a mix of runner bean and French bean, has anyone tried them?

Have a look through these Dongles, see if anything grabs at yer. :slight_smile:

Marge says you should pluck them from the stem sooner rather than later, or they will become stringy and tough.

I agree with Marge. :slight_smile:

Marge knows her beans! :lol:

I ordered my runner beans yesterday 'Aintree ’ tender beans with lots of flavours . I eat mine small only allowing them to grow to 9in maximum.

I have tried all varieties over the years but always go back to “Moonlight”, a white flowered variety with a reliable set and good flavour, in fact it is the only variety that I grow now.