Good heavens Rehab I think your courgettes have got above their station and they think they are marrows
I normally water them once at night and sometimes during the day but it sounds as though I should be doing more of it.
Strangely in the paper a couple of weeks ago, it said it’s best to water them less??? Luckily I took no notice.
Quite right JBR. You could do a deal with the Aussies.
Hi Meg
Yes I have been misting them. I’m wondering if I should trim some of the top ones back a bit?
Oh yes, I was actually thinking of marrows - :shock: They are big.
LD I usually take the tendrils off at the top to stop the plants going on growing also because I have short legs and already need a stool to pick beans
Your runner beans look delicious. I did not grow any this year but really do like them.
I don’t grow runner beans any more not a lover of them they tend to come all at the same time
Some on my allotment do but these have been a disaster, most started dying in the hot weather the rest that survived produced almost nothing.
Funny thing was the French beans were good this year.
My beans are starting to get tougher now so getting more difficult to chew. I still have loads though so will not grow so many next year.
Marge is growing some in our raised bed that I recently made (and knackered myself in the process).
She gets a large handful almost every day and they are nice and soft, although they are not my favourite vegetable.
Much better than broccoli, however. I won’t allow broccoli anywhere near my mouth.
I’m new on here so hi all.
I am thinking of building a trug myself was it hard to build.
Hi, John.
If you mean a raised bed, I can tell you of my experiences.
We have some pretty solid clay ground and so I decided to use concrete blocks.
I placed twenty-six 4" x 9" x 18" blocks in two layers forming slightly curved walls (to fit in with existing arrangements).
I first dug down a few inches to more solid ground (including some small rocks that could have been left there by the original builders!) then placed the lower layer where I wanted them.
Using pieces of wood so as not to shatter the blocks, I knocked down the blocks with a heavy mallet as far as I could, checking for level as I did so.
I then glued, yes glued!, the upper layer on top using Gorilla Glue. I did this rather than using mortar as mortar only holds things apart; I wanted them firmly attached in case of any slight movement so that the walls would retain their shape. I did then use some mortar to fill the gaps as well.
We then filled the void with a mixture of new, clean soil, compost and something else (? can’t remember what it was - the wife is the gardener and she knew what composition would be best!).
That was it, and it has proved very effective. Things are growing very well, especially runner beans, considering it is our first attempt.
I’m becoming sick of runner beans.
Show off!
No, a large handful of RUNNER BEANS!
Mine are coming on nicely with loads of beans on them and no sign of blackfly. Maybe, it was good that l planted them later this year.
Yes maybe you are right. I am still getting plenty but some of them are like chewing wood.
Pick them smaller they go very stringy if you allowed them to grow to big.
Yeah, been trying that Galty, about 6 -8". Some are ok some are not but it’s hard to tell until you bite into them. :-p
Is anyone still picking runner beans .
I have got lots of tiny beans on there but I fear the two early hard frosts we have had in the last week checked their growth and I won’t get anymore