Ruin A Date In One Sentence

I think maybe talk about your Piles!
You can have quite a long conversation over the reasons for getting Piles!

… and their nicknames.

Nobbies (Nobby Stiles)
Farmers (Farmer Giles)
Chalfonts (Chalfont-Saint-Giles)

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These Cushions are great apparently…another talking pointer…

dont we all love Donuts as well…double treats it seems!

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I think I bought one of these last week. Can’t remember where I put it.

Can you cut my toenails please darling? I can’t seem to bend that low anymore.

Doesn’t your Mother have beautiful blue eyes.

Ever been shagged by a TL3?

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I’ve just dropped my wedding ring, can you help me look for it.

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Good grief fatty lass, at least fart to give me clue :grin::point_right::wink: