Richard Gere - MotherFatherSon (TV Mini Series 2019)

Well well well well…so Longdogs has changed his mind and the general consensus is that it’s got getter and episode2 is worth watching, oh and it’s got a nasty ending?
I’ve been away and missed it…off to catch-up now!!:smiley:

Yes , wasn’t it ?
I’ve seen posts elsewhere saying it’s boring .
Quite honestly I don’t think they have a clue what the story is about .

I have been known to change my mind occasionally ruthio. :smiley:
Episode two was definitely better if not a bit gruesome at the end. :shock:

Only two words describe my feelings after watching episode2…

GOOD GOD!!! :shock::shock: :smiley:

When she came out of the bathroom having heard a crash…what was it she saw?
A smashed door panel?
Was there blood?
What did you make of that scene?:confused:

Anyone getting bored with this show?

Not bored but it needs to move on a bit quicker, I think it’s another of those they made in say 6 parts but they could have got all of it in 2. Lot’s of programmes like that around these days.

A bit, yes. I think the Caden character is brilliant - superb acting - quite enjoyed last night’s episode but then I saw there was a total of eight episodes.

Sorry ladies but I’m still not convinced about the acting from Mr Gere. :shock:

I’m loving it! Not because of Gere but it’s such an interesting study of characters and behaviour.
I love it that Caden, having lost his “filter” is happily and gradually giving away all his dirty secrets…maybe he’ll be the one to bring his father down, if he’s allowed to live that long!!

Annie, l did think last night’s episode was a bit flat. I was beginning to wonder what the series is all about? At, the moment it seems to be just about Caden’s journey to some sort of recovery…

OMG! Last night’s episode electrifying.
This series just gets better and better! :023: