Remember to put your clocks back!

It’s waiting up until 2AM just to turn the clock hands back that’s the killer …
Yawn! … only a few minutes left to wait! :mantelpiece_clock:
Good job we get an extra hour in bed to catch up on sleep after such a late night! :sleeping:


Just as well you’ve got a good memory or you’d be there all night.

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Who else forgot to alter their clock…. :blush:

not me

Nope… just a couple of watches to adjust.

Ripple, Luckily, most appliances with a clock in my house adjust the time automatically.
I just have to adjust the time on my car clock and my bedside clock that speaks the time and crows!
It does the annoying ‘Cock a doodle doo’ sound on every hour if you don’t adjust it properly.
The alarm is in silent mode at the moment but once l start trying to change the hour time on it, it actions the annoying ‘Cock a doodle doo’ sound and it won’t stop!
I have had the clock for many years and no longer have the instructions for it.

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… woke up this morning, at 7ish old time, soon realised it’s 6ish new time, so my body clock is intact, wired to adjust on auto with Greenwich. Then realised it was the central heating that had woken me at the correct new time, so I’m in touch with the real world via the Bosch Boiler.

I bet you don’t refuse the eggs though Arty…

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Foxy, It’s nice roasted too!

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Everything in my place puts itself right, without need of intervention, I confess! :slight_smile:

Tomorrow, i will inform you when you can put them forward again, but, I will bet you a pound to a penny, you will forget before you have to. :grinning: :boxing_glove:

Daylight saving time 2023 in United Kingdom will begin at 01:00 on



26 March

No dog? How about the cooker?

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No dog! No cooker! :slight_smile: