Remember to put your clocks back!

Autumn is well and truly upon us, which means it’s almost time for the clocks to go back tomorrow night, 30th October.

While the arrival of winter brings darker mornings and evenings, turning the clocks back allows us to have more sunlight in the morning.

Plus, on the day the clocks change we get an extra hour in bed too!


zzzzz great

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I hate it…all the damn clocks have to be put back an hour, and I have a sundial in the garden so I have to move one house to the left.


Too late @Vlad

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Bugger, but the link made me laugh I liked the Stonehenge one :grinning:

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Tosh, it’s just six weeks to the solstice, just keep your head down and keep busy.

Thanks Mags… :+1:
Can I put my clock back to the 1950’s life seemed so much better then…


One time I cocked it up the - wrong way! Embarrassingly so. I was working at a paper in Scotland and, in fairness, they cut me a bit of slack - well it was Sunday.

As newly retired, it’s nice to know that whatever happens to the clocks, I get to decide what time I get up in the morning regardless.

I would forgotten.


I wish we could, Bob! :grinning:

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How many of you still wear watches. I stopped about 9 years ago. Sure, work commitments meant I had to refer to the time, but in my personal time I wanted to feel as liberated as much as possible and not totally ruled by the ticking hand.

Am fully aware that my phone and many electronic devices aroind the house give me easy access to the time, but there was a psych benefit to putting that watch in the drawer and leaving it there.


I still wear my watch Dex, I would feel lost without it. :grinning:

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I recommend taking it off for a day or two Mags. It’s amazing the sense of empowerment you feel to throw off the physical shackle of time!

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I haven’t worn a watch for ages and the only clock in my house is the one in the kitchen oven display, so it doesn’t take long to change my clocks!

My mobile and iPad change themselves and I think my car does too - I don’t need to be governed by time very often so I don’t take much notice of it.
I set my mobile diary alerts to remind me in time to be ready for any appointments and the rest of the time I just do stuff as and when I feel like it.

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We also tend to either record stuff we want to watch on TV so we can decide when is convenient, plus fast forward through the ads, or use catchup. Nowadays it’s not really essential to know the time that something might be on

At this time of year the changeover should be on a monday morning and in the summer it should definitely be on a Friday afternoon. This Sunday nonsense just spoils the fun.

Exactly…when must we indulge in this silly practice?

For anyone in the US, the day is Nov. 6 for the 48 states that still do DST.

The Senate passed a bill to eliminate the practice, but the House did not approve.

No clocks in my home needing to be put back except the timer for the electric toothbrush which I don’t use anyway.
One more country, Mexico, has finally stopped that silly practice and is going to return to “God’s clock” only.