Relieve yourself from Stress

Do you let negative stress take control of your life?
We always hear how stress wears us down.
We hear that stress can be beneficial to us in small doses.
Something I do not ascribe to.
I am completely in agreement to the maxim that a lot of stress is extremely detrimental to the majority of us.
Personally I do not handle stress at all well.
So I do everything possible to rid myself of the possibility of taking on stress.
The longer we hold onto stressful situations the more we are negatively affected by that stress.
Look at it this way
It is quite easy to hold a lightweight object in our hand in an outstretched arm.
The longer we hold the object away from the body, the heavier the object seems to become.
The weight of the object has not changed but the effect on our muscles has begun to have a detrimental effect.
It may be easy to hold the object outstretched for 10 minutes with minimal discomfort.
After half an hour? We begin to show signs of faltering.
An hour? We are unable to withstand the onslaught of the effects on our muscles and we crumple. Total muscle collapse.
Miraculously, the moment we drop our arm, release the weight, we begin to recover.
So by releasing ourselves from stressful situations as soon as possible the less damage we do to ourselves.
Let go of stressful situations and do not take them to bed with you so you can wake each morning refreshed and burden free.


Listening to Dan Gibson Solitudes first thing in the morning.
Eat healthy food.
Do yoga daily
Walk daily
Take supplements like Ashwagandha, Magnesium and D3
Daily meditation
No violent tv especially before bedtime
Daily affirmations
Journal writing
Skin brushing to help release toxins

The above is what I do to relieve stress

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Skin brushing is new to me. Any brush? Firm or soft?

Bass Broom!

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no room in my bed for stress, need teddy and me hot water bottle


Life’s a stress test!

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That rush of blood awakens the senses.

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It’s now recommended to stroke babies it’s meant to be good them.
But not with a bass yard broom spitfire :roll_eyes:


I don’t suffer from stress, I’m a carrier.


I miss stress now I’ve retired!

I’m good with crisis, impossible deadlines and a good fight……

Not so good with plodding along peacefully and coffee mornings :open_mouth:

Stress relief? Shouting, swearing, stomping, getting it sorted, kicking ass, winning!

Plus :rofl:

Tai Chi, yoga, reading, cooking, swimming, loving💕

I keep remembering T.S. Elliot’s Prufrock

“I have measured out my life in coffee spoons’’

And that ain’t gonna be me!

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Stress comes in all different forms Bretrick. Sometimes having some stress in your life can help to manage it better, like Maree…She has learnt to control it to her advantage and defuse it.
Using your analogy with the outstretched arm…If you use weights to strengthen that arm, over time you will be able to hold it outstretched for longer…

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Some people have easier lives than others and when something goes amiss, perhaps something that others would see as nothing to be concerned about, it causes them stress. Anti-stress measures might well work for those people.

Possibly not for others. It might depend on a person’s nature, responsibilities or fortunes in life but stress may not be relievable. It can always be there underlying everything no matter what is tried. Just part of life that is lived with and handled.


And, on note, I’m going to wander into the garden and have a relaxed beer…


Its a bit early for that, mind you it is 5.0 clock somewhere :smiley:

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A lot of people enjoy a pint at lunchtime.


I agree with @Bretrick 's OP. I’ve had my share of stress so that I enjoy every single day devoid of it. I can’t think of any situation in which I found stress helpful in any possible way.

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Mug of tea and a digestive and a chat to the dog.Who appears from nowhere as soon as she hears the kettle.


Be with those who bring out the best in you ,
not the stress in you :slightly_smiling_face:



How to de-stress :smiley:



So, your Dog prefers a Cuppa, to a Digestive Biscuit.