Yes, my apologies. I remember now that he commanded a mine hunter for a brief time. I don’t remember him flying jet fighters, though. I believe you have to have supernatural powers to be allowed to do that. Certainly Lightning pilots in the day were regarded as super-humans!
When your Mum is Commander in Chief you can pretty much do what you want.
Which neatly brings us full circle back to Andrew.
And what about Edward. I don’t remember, but does he ever wear any medals?
Perhaps he was awarded one for completing half of the RM training course.
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I can’t post piccies. Googling him, there are images of him wearing uniform at times.
Boy Scouts?
Girl Guides?
Actually, he’s on here wearing the uniform of the London Scottish Regiment
Trooping the Colour Uniforms and Medals Meanings |
I’m not sure exactly what they do, but I’m sure they’re not an active regiment.
Still, it’s nice that he’s managed to procure a uniform from somewhere!