Prince Andrew settles out of court!

It looks like a lot of the damage is down to his arrogance, as according to these solicitors it could have been settled a lot quicker. And thus without a lot of the publicity & damage.

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Even if he were completely innocent regarding the Epstein affair, I would be quite happy to see him brought down for his arrogance in general.


Imagine you were accused of something as vile as Andrew has been. Would you not want to fight to prove your innocence, to show the world, you did not do it? An innocent man would not pay the many many millions that this has almost certainly cost Andrew. An innocent man would have fought to clear their name. Not hide behind mummies skirt & then asked mummy to pay off the accuser.

Edited to add. Andrew is as innocent as Michael Jackson was when he paid off his accuser.


Fortunately for me, the world wouldnā€™t be quite so interested if I did it, and wouldnā€™t be paying the same amount of attention. :slightly_smiling_face:

And an innocent man as superior and arrogant as Andrew would certainly not have put himself through the indignity of going on TV to explain himself to the plebs.

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Exactly, though not quite word for word, what I wrote in readersā€™ comments in a newspaper earlier today.
In getting mummy to pay Ā£12million ā€˜quiet moneyā€™ if he claims to be innocent suggests that he is certainly not innocent. If he were, he would have stood up in court and proved his innocence.
Until that happens, everyone will know for certain that he is guilty.


Poor, sad Princie Andrew! I mean, reallyā€¦itā€™s not as if heā€™s an adult who could make his own choices, and then be held responsible when he got caught. Tsk, Tsk.



A lot of posts on works forums regarding this.

Mummy is well aware of the riots that would happen if public money was used for the payoff.

Andrew has had to pay the vast majority himself, his titles remain stripped and he will have a very reduced standard of living from now on.

He will get nothing from the Public Purse, no more free flights, etc etc.

He may well continue to get free gifts from his friends outside the Royal Family, but if they do they will be as toxic as he is.

He had upset so many staff with his arrogant, petulant attitude that it is payback time from them.


Once the dust settles a bit he may decide to move abroad, and lead a quiet life out of sight.

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I think that people like AirMiles Andy, in the public eye, feel that they are above criticism by the masses of ordinary people like us, so donā€™t give a toss about what any of us think and do what the hell they like in the sure knowledge that nothing can happen to them.



I understand she is connected to a few legitimate charities and I assume the 7.5 million will go to one of them.

But ā€¦ she herself is estimated to have a net worth of just under a million dollars so clearly her influencer/celebrity status also has a few perks.

This is why whilst I think Andrew is pretty much a lowlife ā€¦ she isnā€™t much better, she enjoyed the high life, the jet setting ā€¦ the ā€˜name droppingā€™, tawdry as it.

For example ā€¦ when i googled where she met her husband.
It doesnā€™t sound like a good character reference, for her, does it.



Spoilt since birth, so I expect that he believes that everything should go his way.

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She was only 19 then, so one could argue that she left that life of a prostitute behind her as soon as she grew up.
Considering her early life of abuse by a family member, running away and being groomed by someone at a very young age before she even met Maxwell and Epstein, I can understand why she was ā€œstreetwiseā€ but also looking for a protector.

Maybe when she met Robert Giuffre, he was her escape route from the lifestyle of servicing pervy old men - plus she was getting a bit old for the taste of Epstein and his mates, so the massage course may have been Epsteinā€™s way of paying her off and she knew it.

I have read the story of her life in some detail and I can see how she got groomed into that lifestyle. Her story of why she decided to speak up and confront the pervy old men who had used her and lots of other underaged girls rings true to me.
I know a young woman who was groomed by a family member and, although she escaped from him by running away with a boyfriend when she was 18, she was never fully aware of just how bad what her groomer/abuser did to her was and she would never have spoken out or challenged her abuser - until she had a daughter of her own.
Giving birth to her own daughter in 2010 is what Virginia Giuffre said was the trigger for her to speak up for herself and others who had been groomed and used for sex.


The one thing that comes over to me was that she wasnā€™t unkindly treated by Epstein .
He appears not to have been a cruel man. She wasnā€™t sex trafficked in a trailer by brutal East European pimps . The girls involved all seem to have gone on to live successful comfortable lives.
And she is smart very smart the main thing she learned from Jeffery Epstein was how to make money !
I really donā€™t understand what ā€˜her charityā€™ is exactly where does the money go ?
I suspect in this case charity will begin at home .


Her charity is Here:

I donā€™t know anything about it I came across it in the SMH (I think it was)

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So heā€™s got one friend left!

Ex woman friend, Lady Victoria Hersey threw herself into the fray calling Giuffre a scam artist and taking the p out of her looks

She wants to watch it, isnā€™t calling someone a scam artist with no evidence fodder for a libel case? Iā€™m sure Virginia will know! ā€¦ā€¦

As for looks, weā€™ll if Victoria had been through half of what Virginia has, I bet sheā€™d look dog ruff too!

Money and no real work are great beauty treatments

Still, I thought it was rather brave of her to stick up for him when everyone else is hating on him

Maybe she likes a bit of publicity and attention, though, and sheā€™s rich so any come back wonā€™t do her much harm

Thanks for the link to SOAR.

I have read through it and I must admit, it is not clear exactly what help they will give to victims of sex trafficking or how any charitable donations will be spent.

It mentions providing a ā€œsafe spaceā€ for victims to share their stories but Iā€™m not clear what that means. The Charity does not provide a Helpline so can only re-direct victims to the contact details of other appropriate helplines if they need to talk or need practical help.

I think it may be more appropriate if Virginia Giuffre settled for the large charitable donation part of Andrewā€™s settlement to be paid to a sex trafficking charity that she is not personally involved in running, to avoid any public suspicion that she may be personally profiting from that part of the settlement. She could still run her own charity which seems to focus on raising public awareness by media interviews, speaking engagements etc.

If her charity passed on the majority of the donation Andrew is making to a charity that provides practical help to victims through all the stages from the first phone call through to escaping from their situation, like The National Human Trafficking Helpline, it may allay some suspicion as to her motives.

@Boot, Bloody hell thereā€™s a lot of Boots on the the list ??
Hope lve got the right one ?
Any way thatā€™s my thoughts exactly concerning Guiffreā€™s
so called charity work,
It was probably set up by a
a lawyer who specialises in such work,
and it will prove to be very difficult to follow the trail of the
donated money !
There is no doubt in my mind this was a scam on a grand scale
and the queennhas been fleeced ?
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::-1:

@ Maree, ā€˜Money and no real workā€™ that sounds exactly like
the Giuffre slut to me Maree !!
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

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Thatā€™s it in a nut shell as far as Iā€™m concerned. We have a few on-their-back workers down in the town rather than find a proper tax paying job, so Iā€™m used to seeing the type usually after the grockles and Iā€™ll lay good odds she knows exactly what Iā€™m talking about.

Maybe theyā€™re two of a kind and thatā€™s why theyā€™re having a girl fight :joy:

Virginia vs Victoria :boxing_glove::boxing_glove::boxing_glove:

Go Virginia!

But I reckon having sex with Andrew and massaging Epstein when youā€™re just a teenager is real hard work if the worst kind :face_vomiting: and anything sheā€™s got she earned the hard way.

Iā€™m not sure the same can be said of Victoria?

And as to who is a slut, does having sex for fun make you less of a slut than having it for money? Depends how you define slut I suppose

Didnā€™t Victoria admit to having a threesome?

And I think Victoria is just jealous! :rofl:

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