Prime Minister Boris Johnson will lead a Downing Street press conference at 17:00 GMT

Blimey! Thats…erm…very very low! :joy:

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My hips would snap if I tried that now.

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Shemika Charles, 23, is so agile that she can go under cars, airport seats and can even limbo just eight and a half inches from the floor - which is about the height of a beer bottle.

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Well, I’m sure that’s a life skill I really don’t need at this point, but good for her! I’m the same as Morty, my hips would snap or dislocate if I tried that :joy:

I’m going to be livid if our big family reunion is scuppered.
My daughter and partner are back from Oz after 8½years, we haven’t seen her yet because son and I have both had this ghastly cough and unwell for couple of weeks now.
So four units (9 adults and 3 children ) are meant to be together for a week in a big house by the sea, we’ve been planning it for months…


I hope it won’t come to that Ruthio…I think if he imposes such restrictions, he will have riots on his hands! He’ll need the army to calm things down :joy:

I have a reunion planned for 12 just as last year despite the restrictions. Many other families will do the same and even if illegal, there will be no enforcement coz if No 10 can get way with then so can the rest of the nation :ok_hand::+1:


Did you have the reunion last year, LD?


I sure did and we had 12 around our table. What could anyone do about it …shoot us?

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I have no words.

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Unless I’ve missed something of importance, BJ had nothing to offer, not even “blood, toil, tears and sweat” (not that he knows what those words mean anyway … :roll_eyes:) … :man_shrugging:

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Boosters and think carefully before doing anything, that’s it pretty much.

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I do … what’s okay for No 10 is good enuf for the rest of us providing we’re all boosted and LF tested :+1:

You didn’t know they were having a party back then though. Its only this year you are saying what’s good enough for them is good enough for you. So what’s your excuse for last year, since we were all in lockdown and people were dying?

I make no excuses. Tis a personal choice and we as a family chose to meet up and use the ‘bubble’ claim to it’s maximum. As far as I’m aware, most of our avenue had family gatherings over the holiday period and for new year, there was a somewhat cold but gleeful party on the green to our frontage. Oh yes and before that there was a good firework display on the green Nov 5th and despite the obvious noise and people, not a single copper appeared anywhere to disperse well over 100 residents + friends. Exactly the same as when the circus turned up followed by the fair. We tend to use our green to its maximum as it’s a public open space owned by the people for the people.

Ok. Like I said before. I have no words.


If people are prepared to risk themselves,the lives of their friends and family there’s not much any government can do about it.

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That’s true, after all, we have our part to play,” responsibilities “…unfortunately some choose to do as they please and blow everyone else.


My lot followed the rules, to my dismay (!) so my daughter son-in-law and baby stayed in London (red tier) but my son daughter-in-law and two littlies came to us, a 2 hour journey.
They should, of course have gone home that night.
You have to be joking, what on earth would have that achieved when we’d all been together all day.?
Plus they’d done a test and we knew they were OK.
So they stayed 2 nights.

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Exactly, so why the consistent insincerity from No 10! It’s just a front as part of their game to keep their over paid jobs.