Premium Bonds - have you won anything?

Just seen that NS&I have reduced the prizes on PBS now.

Well the BoE cut it to 0.25% after Brexit…still a better rate JUST

That is why I revived this thread, see here: Premium Bonds - Page 14 - Over 50s Forum

I have £50 a month going out on DD to buy new bonds for the draw, but might, at the end of this year, stop the payments. I can afford to be without that £50, and hope for the small chance of winning, but if they keep reducing the prizes and the odds, then may reconsider.

Just put a wedge into premium bonds, it should make more than the 0.1% than it’s doing in it’s present location and it remains ‘Instant Access’…Anyway, I booked a cruise on the strength of it…Rock on…:-D:-D:-D

Where ya crusin to OGF?

Sorry for taking so long to reply Realist…:frowning:
We haven’t actually booked a cruise yet, our friends won’t fly, and so we are limited to the choice of cruises we can do. There is talk about the fijords, but I fancy the Caribbean next and my Daughter (who will fly) and her partner would like to go with us, so it looks like the Caribbean sometime next April.

Ooh we just realised we won £25 now that might not seem much but if we had left it in our savings account we would have got just £2.50 so it’s a good return for us.

A savings account is not really the right comparison to make when assessing the merits of premium bonds TBH.

The proposal really is, can my money be invested somewhere to produce bigger returns than the returns I am likely to get using Premium Bonds?

The answer in most cases will likely be YES, you can invest your money in many places that will provide a better return than Premium Bonds. A Savings Account is not an investment as such.

With both Premium Bonds and Savings Accounts you are basically saying “I’m too lazy to learn about basic money investing and instead I will give my hard earned money to someone else who will invest it themselves, take the profits from that investment and give me back very little in return”

Last year I invested about £3000 from my private SIPP in some shares in an energy company. The shares were less than 1p each. A few months ago those shares rose to over 7p a share. My investment was then worth about £25,000.

Took less than 1 min effort to buy the shares in the first place. Of course some you win and some you lose, but managing your own money is far better than giving it away to someone else.

That’s all well and good Realist, but some of us don’t have the inclination or the knowledge to stick our nest egg in some company that we hope will do well in the future. Although not what you would consider rich, I have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my natural.

Upon retiring I did invest a large amount, and after five years it had practically doubled, but with the onset of Brexit and the markets started to take a dive I cashed everything in and placed it in a safe haven. Interest is so low at the moment, and it doesn’t look like getting any better in the forseeable, so just for a bit of fun I invested a stash in premium bonds, it’s absolutely safe and I can access it whenever I want, and who knows, I might end up like Julie and win a few quid…Well done Julie…:smiley:

I have just won £50 better than a black eye .

Thank you although it was my husbands idea, we didn’t want to risk any of our capital, and keeping it safe was first on our list. With premium bonds we can’t lose. If we win a little it’s a bonus. With savings accounts giving such bad interest it was a good idea we thought. Good luck hope you get a nice win or two too !

Well done !

That’s better than any interest it would make Muddy…Well done…:smiley:

Mine enter the draw on the first of September…Here’s hoping…:cool::cool::cool:

However such investments carry RISK.
Many of us here are retired or near retirement and cannot afford to lose savings which they cannot replace.

With both Premium Bonds and Savings Accounts you are basically saying “I’m too lazy to learn about basic money investing and instead I will give my hard earned money to someone else who will invest it themselves, take the profits from that investment and give me back very little in return”

People are not necessarily lazy but they are afraid , Afraid of losing their hard earned savings.

Last year I invested about £3000 from my private SIPP in some shares in an energy company. The shares were less than 1p each. A few months ago those shares rose to over 7p a share. My investment was then worth about £25,000.

IT could have easily gone the other way and then you would have nothing

Took less than 1 min effort to buy the shares in the first place. Of course some you win and some you lose, but managing your own money is far better than giving it away to someone else.

Its not the I minute effort needed to technically buy shares its knowing which ones to buy .
Its always a gamble.
Shares can go down and you may lose your money.

That statement is horribly incorrect and it is the very misinformed notion that the premium bonds model is founded upon.

Anyone who thinks that essentially doing nothing with their money, like stuffing it in the mattress for example, is safe, that they can’t lose, is totally ignorant of finance and the most basic fiscal concepts.

You are losing money hand over fist when it sits there doing nothing. Anyone who doesn’t understand why that is ought not to be managing money at all.

Realist do you think that we are coming to the end of a Bull market ?

No. Actually we’re just coming out of one of the worst bear markets for a long time. For the past 4 to 5 years many stocks have been decimated, particularly energy related stocks, oilers, miners and the like whether that’s mining coal or metal ores or gold etc. A lot of stocks have rallied in the past year or so as they gain favour again. Much of that is to do with the situation in China and their on going plans to develop at a massive rate and thus their need for iron ore and other resources.

So bull runs are just starting for many stocks but it is still early days. You have to be lucky to catch one of these stocks at the right time because they rise quickly when they go.

In the USA Trump has said he will revitalise/bring baclk the coal industry. Whether it happens is another thing entirely but his declaring it is enought to get people interested in coal stocks.

The world in general is about to make the significant change to electric cars and the like and that means lots of lithium batteries. So investing in lithium producing companies is probably a good idea.

WIth BrExit happening the UK needs to get more and more energy self sufficient and so I anticipate a lot more companies wanting to drill for oil and gas here. We still have the “vicar of Dibley” village idiots who will oppose fracking at any cost and thus prevent this country from being able to produce its own resources. Morons every one of them who can’t see past their own noses. Just look at the muppets protesting against Cuadrilla and at Holmewood.
Deport these people to Europe imo because they sure as hell don’t care about this country. The UK is strangled by the need to import expensive energy resources and you can bet that many of these protests are fuelled, funded and attended by those foreign entities.

Thankfully there ARE some good prospects ahead. We have the big oil discovery at Gatwick (The ‘Gatwick Gusher’). Company UKOG (UK Oil and Gas) has a big stake there and its share price has been rising a lot recently. There is also the Horse Hill field which has 3 or 4 companies present.

We have oil/gas acreage in the Humber Basin just waiting to be exploited. Probably trillions of tons of Shale Gas down there. In many cases we just need the government to pull its finger out and give the green light to all this but politics being what it is, every government is afraid of losing votes so panders to the imbeciles in the nation. The political situation is ridiculous imo. The basic needs of a country shouldn’t be being influenced by petty party politics. We are all going to lose out very badly if we don’t get on and exploit our own energy resources which are just sitting there underground.

So, overall, lots of opportunities at present to invest in stocks. The Bull markets are really just beginning but it’s been a slow up take. That’s because in a Bear market (esp the huge one we have had) everyone is rather cynical and sceptical. Investors have had a few years of unscrupulous traders and “bucket shop” promoters vehemently ramping (over hyping) stocks to sucker people into buying shares that subsequently perform very badly. So now when companies announce new projects everyone remains sceptical and treats it like the boy who cried wolf. Hence the Bull markets haven’t taken off in full force imo.

Overall though, the finance fraudsters in the City know that the best way to make money is in “shorting” shares (betting that they will go down not up) and they have the massive amounts of personal capital needed to short stocks using spread betting. They know that the average private investor (the likes of you and me) will mostly not short stocks and that we will instead buy shares hoping that the price will go up. So in the main we DO have to remain very cautious and sceptical.

Just worked out my P/B winnings over the last year.

Had a return of just under 3%

Well luckily we are managing our money and considering its first time we have any to manage I think we are doing ok. If we put it in shares we really would be stupid and ignorant because we have no idea about them and would most likely lose our cash.

We have never been greedy people we just like knowing that little bit we have is there if we need it. We paid for our funerals and bought our caravan and my husband and I each have a second hand car. What’s left isn’t to be wasted it’s to help Nathan through his midwifery training, and hopefully help grace through university when time comes.