Premium Bonds - have you won anything?

Thank you, it does seem a lot better than bank interest rates.

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And its a lot more fun Helen…


My wife has severe osteoporosis and movement limiting arthritis, so needs to be thoroughly warm around the house. 26c seems to suite her body, so that is the setting the heating runs at.


News just in…Foxy has just received notification that he is £25 better orf after February’s draw.
Fish and chip supper on it’s way…


Well £75 this month.

See the Million winner only held £100 worth.


£125 here…


It’s not looking good for Foxy this month…

<<< Wrangled 3 Cish & Fhips suppers out of Sunderland this time around. :smile:
Tough on charities, who only get 10%.IF At least £***.
:rofl: All the way 2 The Gov site. That provides Benefits 4 Losers. :wink: E :wink:


@OldGreyFox - Foxy, I think you are well overdue for a Bumper Win - :crossed_fingers: fingers crossed for you next month.

I went through a very lean period when I wasn’t winning anything, or maybe a measly £25. That lasted for months, until December, when I had a bumper win.
Since then, I have been winning multiple prizes of £25, £50 or £100 each, totalling two to three hundred pounds each month.
I don’t expect this good fortune will continue every month - the Luck will shift to someone else - I hope it will shift to you soon.
Your turn will come soon!

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Thanks Boot, I hope you’re right.
I’ll invite all the forum members to a great big party if its a big win…
:mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini:

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Just £250 this month between us!