My wins buy more bonds.
I hope the £50,000 one can own in PBs is increased again soon by another £10,000 or more, it is a very useful way of doing something with one’s money. I get much more in PB prizes most months. My children have been kind enough to let me put the full amount of PBs in their names too, they know it is my dosh, but they are welcome to keep the prize money.
I have £62 Billion pounds worth of PBs and never won a penny.
Don’t be silly you are only permitted to own £50,000 worth!
I have the maximum too & win most months up to £200 some times, this month have only had £25.
I didn’t win anything this month
That ten more than me then LD and I have won £25
If I were wealthy enough to have the maximum holding if Premium Bonds which is £50,000, and to have bought a similar amount for all my children, which I might or might not have done, I wouldn’t post about it for scumbags (present company excluded naturally) to read about.
Surely it’s naive in the extreme to show that you’re wealthy online?
There are ways you can be traced I believe :shock:
I don’t normally tell lies, but I would certainly lie online about my finances.
Ah! But, are we all telling the truth.
Just before my wife died 10 years ago she sold her cafe and brought my daughter a 1k bond and over these years she has won £25.
Funny thing is to day I meet her for Lunch and as I am near death (74) and loaded I gave her a Thousand pounds in cash to buy some PBs and said you will win £500 within 6 months which is more than your mother could achive:twisted::twisted:
Time will tell:lol:
I am not wealthy, one is only wealthy if you have a few million £s, we are comfortable that is all, providing we don’t go crazy with our dosh, which was hard earned on the part of my husband.
I’m gutted Meg and penniless.
Be nice to Tarantula then LD
Same here Tarantula.
Well I don’t know what planet you two live on but £50,000 several times over would be viewed as pretty flipping wealthy to some!!
Certainly is to me 50k once over would be enough for me to retire.
It’s my kids legacy.
I am retired.
Bully for you, some of us cannot afford to.
I left school with only a swimming cert to say I had swum the short bit but I failed swimming a long bit.
So I know I’m a thick moron Have been told so for years by people like you.
But I slog for years working 12 hours aday sometimes taking nasty jobs on that the Work shy lefties like you would not do.
But I saved… In forty years of Working only took two Holidays.
That’s why I could afford to retire and live in a bit of comfort so don’t sneer at people like me who can and you state we are just lucky.
How sad!