Premium Bonds - have you won anything?

Big :hug: for you too Glanny (+ a v. large G&T of course :lol:)

Thanks! You know me too well, Percypops! :lol:

Last few months £175

Well done Tiff! :023:

I took so long posting them to the bank, the bank returned them, Didn’t realise you only got 3 months, so now any wins go straight back into bonds, Daughter sorted it for me. They did pay the returned ones in for me, nice helpful man on phone did it.

That’s what I do Tiff, it’s nice to see it mounting up and it increases your chances of a win…:023:

I paid any PB cheques received during the lockdown period, online into my bank via a photo of them through my iPad. Then notified NS&I that I would like any further wins to be paid directly to my bank account. It’s so much easier now.

I am now wondering if that’s what I did, they did pay the bonds returned into my account, will wait & see if it happens to others. I thought I’d said into bonds, either way it doesn’t matter.:slight_smile:

3x £25 this month:-)

1 x £25 here…

3x 25 this month .
Better that a black eye :slight_smile:

Grrr bark quack… :frowning: Zilch again!

3£25 birthday prezzy from Uncle Ernie for me and 2£25 for Mrs Vere.

2 x £25 for me, was hoping for a big one.

Hubby got 2 x £25 prizes today. last month he got 3 x £25.

Today? They’re normally announced at the beginning of the month, or at least within the first few days. Did he get his prize by snail mail?

Yes Lindy, ERNIE decided to ‘Shell Out’ late…:044:

I’ve just this minute seen this article in today’s DE:

It seems that the NS&I is phasing out sending Premium Bond prizes by cheque (warrants) in the post. It wants you to have them paid through BACS into your bank account or the prize reinvested into more Bonds. Whichever you choose, if you still receive your prizes by snail mail, you’ll have to take action.

Any wins here are automatically paid into bank… :slight_smile:

Already done that Percy, as the bank refused my cheques saying they were out of date. NS&I gave me the money back into my account.