Post your daily exercise routine

Surfermom, what can I say…I was just settling down with a cup of tea imagining I was running beside you along those parkland trails, when you mentioned the approaching truck. I sort of expected what happened next, because it’s happened to me on a few occasions. I’ve even had friendly hounds jump up and deliver a good licking, while depositing half of the muddy lane on my first time out running kit. But the white paint is a bridge too far…Was it emulsion or oil based gloss? Both equally difficult to remove with soap and water…Although the oil based paint takes longer to dry and would still be soluble with some white spirit or turps. I have got an old painting coat that had some external emulsion splashed on it, after been washed several times the paint remains…

The joys of running…Actually, after thinking about it, you might look rather attractive sporting the new streaks in your hair…Mrs Fox pays a fortune to do the same thing…:smiley:
PS:- Didn’t notice any typos…:surprised:…You’re allowed a few though under the circumstances…Will you be going out tomorrow for a second coat?..:smiley:

Thanks Annie, I believe that my core strength is probably the reason for my occasional back pain and stiffness, and in the worst cases, having to refrain from running completely.
The trouble with me is; I get stuck in a rut, doing all my runs at the same speed over the same courses and you sort of take running for granted so it’s such a shock when things break down. Particular attention has to paid to flexibility and core strength, especially in the winter when muscles object to being out in the cold, and also as age begins to have it’s wicked way with you.

If I’m going to continue to run longer into old age I must address some of these issues, and Yoga could perhaps provide me the physical suppleness and core strength that I will need for future trouble free running. The Cat exercise that Ruthio posted has certainly took some of the pain away and improved flexibility for the time being, but I’m not ready to start running again just yet, although yesterday’s mile long walk and a couple of sessions on the exercise bike seem to have passed without incident, so things are looking up…:wink:

The sun is out the sky is blue…and Im feeling loads better now…should really make myself go out for a walk :shock:

Good morning! How nice to hear that the weather is becoming milder your way, which will enable everyone to at least get out to stretch their legs a little.

I have survived the great white-washing of 2018 none the worse for wear. Thankfully the paint was water-based so it came off or out, as the case may be.

Some things are worth the disaster and embarrassment to have the story to tell, so this one will be tucked away for resuscitation another day.

The yoga is coming along, I feel loose as a goose, but slowing down continues to be the challenge…

Now, with no excuses to make up for a missed run yesterday, warm up the tea…

I think we have some nice weather at last. Whether Florida is the same I don’t know but I expect you have it great out there now Surfermom. Sorry to hear about the mishap with the paint yesterday though, that sounds like a horrendous experience.

Everybody seems to be doing yoga all of a sudden. Bob - I imagine it will do you some good, once you get accustomed to it. I must say I looked at Annie’s video she kindly posted on here but I’m sorry it’s just not me thing. My neck and lower back eased off on their own over the remaining part of last week, so touch wood, I’m back in the swing of things again.:cool:

Ruthio, Mups. Great to see you both sticking with your own respective walks and stretches and so on, same with you, Swimmy. A day at a time, like everything and we’ll all be fit as a fiddle soon…or maybe a cello at least! Hope I haven’t missed anybody out!:shock:

So yes, Springtime is here with an alarming force. Driving home this morning it was still rather chilly at 3° but waking up this afternoon and driving to the gym the temperature was a very mild 16° and was a beautifully sunny day. There’s something seriously wrong with our climate these days! But we can’t complain about how things have suddenly turned out. I get especially down when the weather is gloomy and today’s invigorated weather saw me return with that long lost spring in my step as I was itching to get back training again.:041:

So onwards to the gym I went for the first time in exactly one week. Because it’s been so long, I decided to basically pick and choose a selection of exercises without sticking to certain muscle groups; i.e. a ‘pick ‘n’ mix’ full body session. Nine exercises from my programme, with the rest to be split between two more days this week, leaving a hearty intensive session for the weekend.:026:

Monday, 5 Mar 18:


DB press, 20kg:

Chest press, 40kg:
*Up 5kg from last time, reps still the same which means a good strength increase without affecting the stamina from the rep count.

Single DB press, flat bench, 44kg:
*Added 2kg this time to the dumbbell weight with the same reps making the triceps work harder.


Seated Row, 41kg:
*Increasing the weight to 47kg next time on this. Reps may be decreased slightly until I get used to the weight.

Machine bicep curls, both arms, 25kg:
*One more week at this weight then I’ll be adding 5kg.

Lat pulldown, hammer bar, 35kg:


Incline press, 170kg:
*Another 10kg added this time but the reps are still too many which means I can handle more weight than this. Next time, another 10kg to be added and hopefully this will make me push myself a little more.

Extensions, 35kg:
*I brought this exercise back last week to test my knees, seeing if it affected the arthritis. I can honestly say that they have improved very much with only odd twinge now and again. Soon I’ll be adding weight to these once more.

Abductor, 60kg:

50 minutes.

Loved all that, nice to mix things up. Next time I’ll be picking some different exercises from my routine but with the same format.
Talk again soon :slight_smile:

Well I might not be lacing up the running shoes just yet, but I haven’t been idle either…Oh No!

Sorted out a nice two mile walk to get my teeth into, only steady mind…:018: A bit sore after yesterday’s two, but feeling a lot better today, I even walked round in me shorts in the balmy weather, Floydy’s right, the weather was brilliant today. I’ve also been doing fifteen minutes on the exercise bike and a couple of sessions of Ruthios cat stretch…
It’s not getting any worse anyway…:slight_smile:
Lot’s to do over the next two days in preparation for the holiday, but I’ll keep up the walking and exercising meanwhile and perhaps have a wander round the gym when we arrive on board…Although I think Swimming is going to be the best bet for my back.

Another good workout Floydy, I guessed we’d all feel better when we spotted the sun…:cool: Keep up the good work mate…:wink:

I’m surprised to read that Surfermom craves a cup of tea…:surprised: I thought all Americans got off on a cup of coffee…good choice anyway Surfermom…:wink:

Did you manage to go out on your walk Ruthio, with weather like today’s you’d have had to tie my legs together to stop me getting out today…:026:

Yes! Yesterday I walked about a mile across the Common and back again in the sunshine. It felt so good to be out again after several weeks of ill health and then the snow etc.

Today its pouring with rain, theres no way…a quick stretch and thats it! :-D:-D

Another swim :slight_smile:
I go straight after work so no distractions back at home!

I have a question actually…
When I first used to go (10 months ago) I’d manage 60 lengths and it took me about an hour 10 minutes on average. I got quicker
After about 3 months I upped it to a hundred lengths and that used to take me about an hour 10 to begin with too.
Since about 3 months I’ve been doing the 100 easily within an hour and on Saturday, and again today It took me 50 minutes to do the hundred.

Question: Is it better to stick to the 100 in 50 minutes and try to keep the speed up for a while (because it feels more cardio rather than just aerobic)?
Or should I stick to the hour and try to up it to 120 lengths (and maybe not attaining that every single time I go)

Is the speed or the length of time or the distance the most important thing???

Sorry that’s 3 questions!
Thanks in advance for any advice

Hells Bells Rhian, I’m going to have to get my finger out if I’m going to do anything like that…:shock:

However, Doctor Michael Mosley reckons that if you’re exercising to improve your health and strength, then High Intensity low reps is the way to go. From a long distance runner (Me) Low Intensity endurance training (100 plus lengths) will improve your stamina. Strength training must be done frequently otherwise it will start to diminish quickly, whereas stamina takes longer to build, but also takes longer to lose. Hope this helps Rhian…

That’s strange Ruthio, it’s been a fantastic day today here in South Yorkshire, and apparently just up the road in Hull. I’m sure the good weather is on it’s way to you…:wink: Well done on the walk though…:smiley: I’m glad you’re feeling better…

Ruthio, that must have felt so wonderful to be feeling healthy and getting back into the swing of your fitness routine. Soon enough, you’ll be back in the pool and adept as a fish. Hopefully the rain will scoot right out of there putting you back into gear. :038:

OGF, the same to you with your walking and cycling. I am relieved that you will be feeling fine (or well enough) for your vacation (holiday). One of my favorite things to do on a cruise is to be running (you behave yourself and walk :018:) on the treadmill front and center as the ship leaves the port, which provides a beautiful view and affords one a satisfying sense of speed.

I am appreciative the way they situate the dreadmills on the ships so as to maximize the views Walking the promenade deck is pure pleasure, OGF, and usually not very crowded, but I digress.

Two miles is quite a distance with the cycling; you aren’t overdoing it are you?

Rhian, WOW, you are swimming swimmingly! While I am not an expert, a good friend is, and she swims two times per weeks swimming as fast as she can for her desired lengths, one day going for a leisurely but longer distance, and two days of intervals - sprints and slow laps. She suggests that speed breeds speed - sprints will yield a faster pace overall and good for cardiac conditioning, which is the same for running. Mixing it up, regardless of the sport, is also always good for muscle condtioning. Enough from me though, as more of a runner than a swimmer, I’ll defer to the more dedicated swimmers here.:smiley:

Gorgeous, gorgeous morning here with cloudless skies and all of the flowers in bloom. Wanting some sol, soul, solitude, with the added benefit of avoiding being acosted by sloppy pickup trucks, I chose the oak trails for a 5 mile run.

Spring robins are out in force as are the mockingbirds and woodpeckers, all preening and singing their way into fair-weather unions with nesting soon to follow. A lone armadillo barely noticing me as I jogged past, pushed away the pine needles in search of insects while an osprey flew by with its fishy catch. Beating my usual time, I had time to kill before picking my daughter up from the library, and decided to wash the sum of all of Florida’s winter road grime off the car. I found myself in good company with another runner and a few cyclists, and we stopped to “gossip” about upgrades in the trails, concerns about the dearth of wildlife, the new swing additions, and rumours about trail extention, while “hanging out” in the vacuuming lot. We are nothing if not exciting lolol…

Thank you both for that
So mixing it up is best :slight_smile:

I hasten to add that the pool I swim in is not an Olympic length pool!

Sounds like you had a good run today Surfermom, and it’s always good to meet some fellow runners and bikers out on the trail. Some good weather here today also after the rain yesterday and snow before that. I also took the opportunity to clear the salt and winter sludge off the motor. My daughter would be having a go if I went to pick her and her partner up on Thursday with a dirty car…Retired Dad’s are supposed to always have clean cars, what else would they find to do with all that spare time…:102:

Great thread!
I read the first few pages of the thread. It was entertaining:lol:
It was amusing to me because my partner of almost 30 years claims work is exercise also. Obviously he doesn’t exercise but I do understand the debate.

Yes I exercise daily.

Here is my routine.

First thing in the morning :

Yoga - by ‘Kate Potter’ - Namaste

2 to 5 kilometre walks daily
Jog a couple of times a week - 2 to 7.5 km
Swimming in the summer - 24 feet x 100 to 200 lengths

Years ago I almost couldn’t walk. My right foot would twist and turn but we have dogs that ‘need’ walking so ‘not walking ‘ wasn’t an option. With better footwear I realized that not only could I walk but could lose weight and be in the best shape ever. Joints / bones work and feel so much better with regular exercise.
Plus it’s something that is always encouraged by health care practitioners and now I understand why.

I want to exercise everyday until I physically can’t do it any more and hopefully that will be years from now.

I’m really looking forward to getting my pool up so I can start swimming again.

My brother does marathons and makes me look like a couch potato :lol: and he’s 3 1/2 years older than me. He won first place in Canada in his age group.
He rides his bicycle up to visit me. It’s only 126 kilometres. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok I’m a tad jealous :lol:

Good whatever the size of pool Rhian…
It reminded me the last time we went on a cruise and went running around the deck…I set my GPS to record the distance I had run, and I was surprised to discover I’d travelled over thirty miles in an hour…But the ship was travelling at 28 knotts…Derrrrrrrrr…:confused2::102:

The funny thing about swimming is that swimming more will not improve your speed once you have reached a certain optimum for your strength.

If you increase from 100 lengths to 120 or 200 lengths you will not become a stronger swimmer but you will increase your stamina.

The only way to swim faster is to get physically stronger.
Bench presses, Chin-up exercises and back squats are best for swimmers.

As I mentioned on another thread I swim ( hopefully ) 3x a week . That s what I aim for, at least!

I’m no longer bothered about improving my ‘performance’… but when I was it was the improved overall body strength factor that made the biggest improvements to my speed.

In a nutshell…the physically stronger you are out of the pool then the stronger you will be in the pool!!

Good work Bratti and welcome to the forum. You sound like the kind of person who doesn’t let things get you down. Whatever your level of fitness you’ll be very welcome here, hopefully we inspire each other to go that extra mile, and then come on here and write about it. Or exchange training tips, routines and anecdotes. On a forum of over fifties, there are also stories and memories of times gone by when we were all fitter and fearless, sometimes more stories of the past than present activities…

Hi Bratti, welcome to this thread and thanks for your excellent post. I’m sure we will be very interested to follow your progress in the exercise stakes :cool:

Very nice to see Rhian here, and Moscow too. You are incredible swimmers. I don’t know how people can swim that far and for that long. I get tired after four lengths and have to keep myself from sinking all the time. I just don’t have the co-ordination. I echo OGF and Surfermom’s words of wisdom about swimming too, some great posts in here all round actually.

Keep it up folks :slight_smile:

I’m on leave from work at the moment so when I opened my eyes I lay in bed playing on my phone exercising my brain playing a word game, I play a lot of word games as I like to keep my brain sharp but it keeps forgetting things lately!!! Anyhow my best friend and I went for a swim this evening but we only managed 30 minutes instead of our usual 1hr because she began to start feeling unwell. My dear friend has poor health due to numerous illnesses but she keeps going, she swims 3 to 4 times a week and walks a lot. I really admire how she keeps going. She has for the past year been suffering with severe anxiety and I think that is what happened tonight at the swimming pool, finally she has agreed to see a doctor after much nagging from me. She told me she doesn’t know if she can deal with being told she has yet another illness and is scared. I think because she is so anxious about her health it is causing panic attacks, I hope to god thats what it is, time will tell. I’ll be keeping her in my prayers. She suffers enough.

Good post Moscow, it’s about the same with running. Endurance running over long distances will greatly improve stamina but once an optimum pace is reached speed will not increase further without some kind of strength work. Intervals, Fartlek or resistance work is necessary to improve speed, and will need to be done regularly in order to maintain a fast pace.

My best performances are behind me now and I’m happy to still be out there treading the tracks and paths - the wilder the better - regardless of speed. At sixty seven I’m walking a tightrope between fitness and injury, trying to inject speed work these days only ends in tears. So like you Moscow, I will run for enjoyment and satisfaction and hope that I can persevere for a few more years yet…