The reason we sometimes tend to give up during a workout (or a run) is because we either (a) needed more rest, or (b) we are not motivated enough at that particular given time. In most cases, this only serves to create a better workout next time as it then plays on our minds and we hate giving up.
Talking of motivation, the above scenario must have happened to me today. While Bob was off like the clappers on some high intensity sprints:026:, and Surfermom trying to stay on the ground in those Florida gales:041:, I put in a stormer of a full body session, making up for lost time during the week.
Saturday, 3 Feb 18
DB press, incline bench:
8x22, 8x22, 8x22, 6x24, 6x26, 6x28
Bench press:
10x60, 10x60, 10x60, 12x50
Shoulder press:
6x50, 6x60, 6x70
Tricep extensions:
12x40, 12x50, 12x60, 20x35, 20x35, 20x35
Lat pulldown, underarm grip:
12x40, 12x50, 8x60
DB hammer curl, alt.:
6x16, 6x16, 6x18
Single arm low row, alt.:
10x70, 10x80, 6x90
DB concentration curl, alt.:
6x14, 6x14, 6x14, 6x16, 6x16, 4x18
Dual bicep machine curls:
16x25 fast reps
Pec dec:
15x40, 15x45, 15x50, 15x35
E-Z bar preacher curl, low pull, close grip:
10x28, 10x33, 11x38, 20x18, 15x23
Incline leg press:
Sled press:
Ham curls, seated:
Good girls:
Bad girls:
Ab crunch:
20x45, 20x45, 20x45
Just a few extra arm pulls and pushes to round up the time:
E-Z preacher curl:
26x23, 18x23, 10x23 (all done to failure)
Tricep extensions:
27x35, 19x35, 13x35 (all done to failure)
Time: 2hrs. 05mins.
I was feeling quite exhilarated after that little lot! I really needed that shot in the arm. I’ll do a smaller workout tomorrow but Monday will be out of bounds due to a much required haircut and granddaughter school duties.
Hope the weekend is going well, folks:cool: