Great to see this thread is still very active with Bob (or Mr. OGF) carrying the torch, but with Surfermom very much in the picture too, plus occasional guests as well. I’ve just been catching up on a few pages and it’s very reassuring to see that you’re all keeping the good work in the fitness stakes…which is more than can be said for me, I’m afraid to admit.
Raising its ugly head is that old enemy of mine: Time. There is a distinct lack of it coming my way and bearing the brunt of it is my training schedule. In fact, apart from maybe a couple of very meagre sessions in as many weeks, I’ve fallen by the wayside.
But I do have my excuses/reasons:
My wife is now over half way through her radiotherapy sessions, following her hysterectomy operation and despite doing very well, she is very tired all the time and I am doing a lot of her usual chores: some cleaning, picking up the granddaughter from school 2-3 times per week, a bit of shopping, etc. And as I work these God-awful night shifts, it seems that as soon as I get out of bed at about 1pm, it’s time to start thinking about tea time again and commencing the next shift.
This has all made me a little despondent. It’s like the old “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. I fear Jack Nicholson’s character may soon take a permanent hold sometimes!
The training is suffering, I’m still pretty ‘built’, the muscle is still looking decent and firm but I’m feeling rather lethargic and flabby around the gills, so to speak, though I am very active at work anyway. But other priorities prevail and they must be adhered to.
Having said all that, I’ve finally got a bit of a grip and I’ve been looking at my training programme again - in fact I’m starting from scratch. I’ve worked out an, indeed, ‘workable’ three sessions per week routine which should take just one hour each getting me back into shape. This I intend to begin later on today (Monday). And to make sure I follow through my endeavors, I thought I’d write this post as some kind of ‘promise’ to all and sundry that I carry this out.
Watch this space folks!