Post your daily exercise routine

It’ll be different once you retire Aysa. You start to care about your body because you realise it’s the only one you’ve got.

Sensible exercise can be enjoyable - especially in a class or group.:slight_smile:

I agree. Far too much sitting about and healing for me in the last year or two for various reasons has resulted in my owning a very unfit body!
My general health is not particularly good, I believe my immune system isn’t robust, and my stamina and energy levels are a fraction of what they were.
It would be so easy for me to say oh well I’ve just had a Big Zero birthday, so what do you expect, it’s a fact of life that when you get older your body begins to let you down blah blah blah…
Well sod that for a game of soldiers!
I’m absolutely DETERMINED to get back my health and strength this year.
If anyone’s got any good tips please post them here!

I’ve started taking echinachea drops 4 times a day, if the Lancet recommends this to boost your immune system that’s good enough for me.
I’ve got a skipping rope, a mini trampoline, and used to have two strong legs for walking and swimming.
It would be good to use all these regularly…anyone got any bottled energy I could buy!!!

Good on ya’ Ruthio, as has been said many times before, walking a short distance every day would be an excellent start to regaining those strong legs, and very soon with that skipping rope and all your enthusiasm you will be producing your own bottled energy by the bucket load. Keep us posted on your progress.

Ruthio. Make enquiries about Over 50 classes at your local leisure centre.
There’s one at ours that is really good - it’s for doctors referrals but anybody can go. it’s a supervised circuit - moving round the room using different equipment - light weights - sitting up & down on a chair - a punch ball - up & down on a step - push ups against a wall, etc etc. It’s really good fun and not hard at all.

I can also recommend aqua fit at your local pool. It’s brilliant exercise in water - again - not hard.

Short walks would also be good - set yourself a goal - even if it’s only walking to the shops or getting off the bus a couple of stops earlier.

You could build more strenuous exercise and longer walks into your routine as you get fitter.

Thanks for the ideas and encouragement.
I’m off for a walk in the sunshine now, first time out for a while.
Had a good cough, blown my nose, again…legs feel at last as though they actually belong to me, headache’s cleared…
Lucky me I’ve a lovely big park opposite but I have to remember not to go too far because I’ve got to get back again!
If I don’t show up in a few hours send the search party out :mrgreen:

I have two daily walks of 20mins, rain or shine, step ups, exercise cycle, and mild aerobics. I can’t say I enjoy exercise but it is good for me as I am in my mid 60s.

Managed a 6 mile jog yesterday and again today.

Wow that’s impressive Carol
I have a treadmill … a manual one, which I use for walking and hanging the washing on … :smiley:

Thank you Rachel. It’s really good when I can be bothered to use it.
I got lazy over Christmas and not really back in my stride yet…

Ran 3 miles today and had a 1 hour gym session yesterday.

Nice work Richard, either use it or lose it!
Day off for me today, but back in the saddle tomorrow.

Walked 3 miles Monday morning and cycled 10 miles Monday afternoon. Nothing yesterday. Just about to go and walk the same 3 miles as was walked on Monday.

Make sure you are well wrapped up Mart, if your weather is owt’ like my weather. Enjoy the walk…

Started a new diet day before yesterday as I had slipped well and truly off the diet wagon. This new diet consists of …

Breakfast: Fruit
Lunch: Salad Sarnie With Seeded Bread
Dinner: Beans And Toast Or Similar (after running)
Supper: Fruit Or A Few Rice Cakes

Yesterday I ran 6 miles and will try and do the same today plus I did some exercising which included press-ups and sit-ups.

It’s always a job to decide what to wear when out walking or on the bike. If feels cold to start with and after a mile or two, it can get to feel quite warm. Must be the same on a run?

Just got back from a 10 mile bike ride. Not pushing too hard though. It was quite pleasant to be out today with the Sun shining.

Ten days on…and I’m feeling much better. Still not 100% but still determined to get there. I’m walking for half an hour, there and back again, every day if possible.
Taking Metatone tonic three or four times a day too, which is meant to be good.
Doing a stretch routine each morning which involves touching the floor with flat hands, and high kicks…Woo Hoo!!!

Blimey, ruthio, you sound in excellent form !!! My Mum used to swear by Metatone tonic. :slight_smile:

Thanks cranberry, so did mine :mrgreen:

It’s not much compared with these runners and cyclists, but when I look back a few months it’s a great deal better.

Very difficult to get it right Mart, especially in the winter. It can be very uncomfortable after a couple of miles wearing a top and gloves that you didn’t need. Dangerous too if you dehydrate due to excessive sweating.

It’s relative Ruthio, there will always people who do more than you, and people who do less, we are all different and it is so miserable and depressing sitting on the injured bench. A steady build up is the best way. Your body is capable of some remarkable things but it needs time to adjust. Well done so far.

Teeshirt, windproof top and shorts was the right apparel to wear on a six mile early morning run today. What I didn’t reckon on was the coating of ice that covered roads and footpaths, I was lucky to get back home without incident. The sunrise was quite spectacular though and a couple of hours later would have been perfect for running, but I like to go out early while there is less traffic.

I am having some problems though - I started doing pressups again about six months ago, I had been advised not to do them following my Heart Attack last year but figured that it was time to reinstate them. I managed to work up to fifteen after a couple of weeks, but I can still only manage fifteen or sixteen, I would have thought I’d at least be up to twenty by now. Any ideas?