Flying around this afternoon like a bat out of hell trying to fit in an absent full week’s training session in time for when my granddaughter gets dropped off from school at our house. She’s arrived exactly as I sit down with a much-required coffee at the PC and has been fixed up with a small meal before she will want to play on said PC. So with about 15 minutes to spare until Willy Wonka Power Point begins, here’s my write-up:
(Note: This includes a prequel of four exercises I began from this programme on the 10th Jan – again not having any time to finish off my session that day). Sorry, not much time for analytical explanations after each exercise, I know you’re disappointed
I can’t wait for retirement!!
Week 2/Session 2: “7’s”: 7 sets – light-heavy-light; as many reps as possible.
(All weights in kgs)
Thursday 10/1/19 Time: 1hr. 40mins. (Exercises 1-4)
Shoulder press:
12x30, 10x40, 10x50, 8x60, 6x70
10x55, 12x35
Rope pulldowns:
15x15, 12x12.5, 10x20, 9x22.5, 8x25
12x17.5, 20x12.5
Lat pulldown, underarm grip:
20x30, 12x40, 10x50, 8x60, 6x70
10x55, 15x35
Tricep pulldown (w/backrest):
12x25, 10x30, 8x35, 6x40, 3x45
8x35, 20x20
Wednesday 16/1/19 Time: 1hr. 20mins. (Exercises 5-10)
DB fly’s (15° incline bench):
12x10’s, 10x12’s, 10x14’s, 8x16’s, 6x18’s
10x14’s, 15x8’s
Fly delt dec:
20x65, 15x80, 12x95, 10x110, 12x125
15x102.5, 20x72.5
Barbell forearm reverse curl:
15x10, 12x15, 10x20, 8x20, 4x25
12x15, 12x10
E-Z preacher curl, seated:
12x28, 10x33, 8x38, 6x43, 5x48
12x28, 15x18
DB Concentration curl, alt.:
10x12, 8x14, 6x16, 5x18, 4x20
8x14, 15x8
Lying bicep curls:
15x15, 12x20, 12x20, 10x25, 7x27.5
10x20, 20x10
Apol’s for any spelling mistakes, that was a mad rush. Now a quick bite to eat and I’m taking little ‘un to cheerleader dance class, much as I love her to bits! This is what happens when your wife decides to book overtime at five o’ bloody clock in the evening! How long have I worked nights?! last one tonight, thank God
Thanks for reading.