Planes Bikes and Automobiles

It suits the book, not too much hassle, no pulling cushions about at bed time¬!

You bought two!


Nice one d00d, I would have typed that!

I hope to communicate with you fellows from a random location.

I can’t wait. Are we nearly there yet?

Gotta get the Wifi sorted, then a categoric answer can be tendered!

try Lands End to start with - right at the end??

It’s got a bike rack bret!!!

you’ll be cycling behind as much as possible then ? - save arguments i the van heh - merry xmas !! - ps: how many will be sleeping in?

Just the two of us.

(don’t mean you and me bret :grin:)

singles or doublet?

This seems a simple set up, we shall see.

one on top one underneath? - many options - leg over leg under?

I refuse to get drawn into innuendo I have not instigated!!!

pstt!! - I know a couple of well hung blondes with large innuendos - and I think they might be free for a few w/endsd - I’ll be over for xmas OK?? just for old times sake?

Its not about who you know, but about what you know.

Silly Boy.

I thought is was all about planes bikes and autos - have we gawn off track a bit - I’ve known you for a long time around these parts and remember the period of the ’ stutter gun machine" when you were breakin up all the concrete - we noticed some strange astral things then as well as aural. You don’t think this is the real world do you?

Jem fetch the tranquilizers again spitties spittin bricks!!

Done all my thinkin bret, its someone else’s turn.

so when will you be cruisin’ spitty

Not sure Max, the earlier the better, weather dependent, don’t have a plan A or B