Planes Bikes and Automobiles

Problems again, new conversion bike has gear shifters built into the brake levers, think it is time to deploy the hacksaw.

say nothing hear nothing see nothingā€¦

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I was thinking that, just needed confirmation, Ok.

Erhmm silly question perhaps ?? - but can you buy them fully assembled and ready to ride anywhere in UK? cos this is takin a lot of time and work and endurance - not the sort of thing a regular 18 yr old would have? - yes I know you think you are 18 sometimes but that isnā€™t the question I was askin??

Please donā€™t go digging Gummy, I was givin this a rest, but, as you ask, I have no wish for 18 anymore, just glad to be one of the only few 60+ers with all physical attributes still at disposal.

can Mrs Spittie confirm all that in writing for the anticipating public?

I think its only you that is anticipating,

I will wait with baited breathe and speechless anticipation - brm brm brm!

@gumbud , ā€œBaited Breathā€ ! Gummy??
Are you going fishing then ?
Donkeyman! :+1::thinking::+1:

Hey Spitty, l see they have superceded all that stuff you have
been building ??
A new concept has just been marketed that fits into the bottom
bracket !! It does away with having to disconnect everything
if you get a rear wheel puncture ??
Also it is claimed that the power level is controlled by how hard
you press the pedals, and so feels more like a normal push
bike !!
Whadya fink ??
Donkeyman! :+1::roll_eyes::+1:

Mid Mounted motors have been around for a while now but, in general, you canā€™t get so much power out of them. They are perfect for hardened Mountain Bikers because, the assistance can get them to the top of a trail, at which point, downhill, the bike reverts back to its traditional characteristics. Hub motors are more suitable for fast road use, and also (if you want) have pedal assist sensors, but, because you are usually travelling faster than it is possible to keep up with, with the pedals are just a nod to legality.

@spitfire , Oooer! It seems lā€™m behind the times Spitty ?
It did mention off roaders tend to use them more ??
But donā€™t you rate the ease of dealing with rear wheel
punctures as a plus ? I remember you were bitching a bit when
you had to fetch the truck to take your bike home ?
Praps they will improve the crank motors in the near future to
be competitive with the hubs ??
Happy biking!!
Donkeyman! :+1::+1:

well I think we need to keep the regulations very clear about motorized vehicles - I seen a newsclip the other day about those 'lectric stand only scooters zipping about some city or other and the elderly pedestrians were being either knocked over or frightened out of their wits. Iā€™m all in favor of the felinetized two wheel cart meself? or bovinetized doesnā€™t matter - lets slow things down a bit and smell the roses along the way?

I agree Gummy, the last piece of the jigsaw is the van, with that, I can go to some new places in the Springtime, we can slow down then and take it all in. The cost of vans is stupid, and the mileages astronomical, but, I have spoken to a lady across the road who still has her late husbands van which he owned from new and never used as a Van, it is a 61 reg with 50000 on the clock, and has never had as much as an advisory on its MOT history, lets hope she considers my offer to buy it.

good now donā€™t be stingy with your offer spittie it is after all the season of good cheer - cheers mines a bourbon on the rocks ta!

are you saying that you will buy a van to transport yourself and anyone else I assume plus ya 'lectric scooter to unknown hardly visited places in the hinterlands to have some quiet [I assume the bikes are almost silent when aroused?] zoom zooming?

ps: how does the noise levels compare with the throaty growl of a four piston Tiger Cub?

That has been the intention right from the start Gummy, there are many places I need to visit, not on foot, I do enough of that anyway, and, you can only cover so much ground, could do it on one of the standard bikes but, am a bit long in the tooth for that, I want to soak up the ambience of a place without having to do a workout at the same time, some part of Derbyshire for example are very hilly.

Goin to start recommissioning the Honda over the festive break, give the leccy a rest.

Instead of getting my petrol tank repainted, I have managed to find a mint one in original finish, changing this will be the first job.


Oh that looks intriguing! A Speedy Spitty, eh? :joy: Your leccy bills must be through the roof by now!

,@ gumbud,. More like the harsh yelp of a poodle pup l
think you mean gummy ?? :grin::grin:
Donkeyman! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: