Planes Bikes and Automobiles

this is true with cyclist’s they are a breed of the lonesome…
bike clips and puncture outfits…bum sores and helmets…

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I know what you saying, but you need to substitute the typecast for the chancer. :smiley:

The more folks think something is odd, the better.

The Saracen went to Kenilworth today, to see the Castle, found a beautiful park called Abbey Fields, just reading about it it states Cycling is not allowed :blush:, no wonder I never saw anyone else on two wheels.
Never went to Warwick, should have familiarized with the Google Satnav function, will get a bit of training off my son tonight.

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Thankfully, your wheels were not confiscated!

The way I entered there wasn’t any signs Minx, it was a double disappointment, after the fiasco with the Satnav (which I have now fathomed out), when I got home I plugged the Gopro into the television to find out, I did not have a one 30 minute Video but 3000 individual still images. I am going to do this run starting at Warwick in the next couple of days, I know what’s going on now Satnav wise, and when I put the Gopro in its case, i will check the screen for the video icon.

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Wonderful news Spitty! I hope the video setting works!

Goin somewhere next Sunday that is really pertinent.

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The Saracen has been to another Castle and another Church today, weren’t allowed too near the Castle though.

No access problems with the Church though

Castle from the net.



Ooh that looks lovely! I wonder why you can’t get to the castle? That’s a bit mean…you’d think they would be glad of a wee visit now and again :roll_eyes:

Its privately owned Pixie, they have an open day in the summer, was going to zoom down the drive for the photo, just after I decided not to, a vehicle passed me, there is CCTV on the post where the bike is leaning…
Castle Lane which is where the Castle is located is dead straight and flat for about a mile, I had a mate in the early 70s, who, could not afford to buy a bike, so I lent him one, he was rubbish on it because of no experience. One summer day we took a ride out of the City, I was pedaling like fury (along Castle Lane) and looked over my shoulder and he was a speck in the distance, so, I pulled over to wait for him, at this point a milk tanker passed me heading in his direction, so I watched and waited, John seemed to be a bit wobbly, then I heard the Tanker blow his horn and saw John disappear into the ditch. :laughing: :bike:

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Oh I shouldn’t laugh at that…but i did! :joy: Poor John

How grand is that! Lovely pics Spitty :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Tis a sad day, the Saracen has a puncture in the rear wheel, because the motor is in the rear wheel a series of cable ties have to be cut on the supply cable, then the cable has to be disconnected from the controller to remove and refit the tyre, May change the tyre whilst at it for a better quality one.
Here is a photo of the escaped air.

:laughing: :bike:

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That’s a whole lotta air Spitty! :rofl:

Look on the bright side, it is better that you had/found the puncture now than whilst you’re out on a ride!

Exactly my thought Minx, I was at furthest yesterday, 7 miles from the car, and with the extra weight on the vehicle, and a massive hill on the return journey, it would be a difficult “Push Bike”. Under this circumstance, I would have had to hide the bike, and walk back to collect the car. :walking_man:

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New innertube and Tyre fitted, pain in the arse refitting the wheel, lets hope its another 400 miles, before the next one.

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Been out on the Saracen today, all is back in place, Gopro good, satnav activated, Warwick here we come! :bike:

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Yep, got the maps sorted, “Houston, we have lift off” :bike:

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Thanks Minx, we are one step closer. :grin:

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