Planes Bikes and Automobiles

Looks huge! Have you space to store it when its done, but not in use?

That is just a baby Pix, when my son passed his ā€œAā€ certificate, twenty two years ago, to enable him to fly solo, an earlier version of this was the go to model as a first none trainer plane, its been built as a bit of nostalgia, its the sort of thing that can be flown without too much concentration

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Awww, I love that! Does your son still fly?

The usual happened, relationship, own home, back home, not much flying in the midst of this, yes, he is still a capable flyer but it went by the wayside a bit :frowning_face:

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Aww, Iā€™m sorryā€¦its horrible when life gets in the way of things that make us happy. Still, heā€™ll never lose the way of it, so when he feels more inclined, the skyā€™s the limit (as they say!) :joy: :airplane:

Just thought Iā€™d show you all my old MOHO: an '84 reg, bought in '88 or '89 taken to Portugal & back in 1990. Sliding side door, I lined it with hardboard, fitted it with carpet, stuck mirrored stuff over back window, 2" memory foam on the floor was our mattress.

Our cooking facilities, alfresco:


There is something to be said for that d00d, our MOHO is quite wide, I encountered two HGVā€™s in a Minor road yesterday coming from the opposite direction, the first one I managed to pass all be it brushing the foliage at the side of the road, the second one I had to come to a complete halt, so, these are certainly not ā€œGo Anywhereā€ vehicles, which, is supposed to be part of the point of them.

and we managed just fine with the kitchen and toilet facilities, stopping at the odd campsite for a shower but just parking up at the side of the road mostly. Found some interesting local eateries in French and Spanish small towns, before doing the whole of Portugal. We would/couldnā€™t do it now, too old.

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Just Back from a couple of days away in the Moho, when we first started using it in April, we were fearful that you would have to book up weeks and weeks ahead, well, the site we were on this weekend had 56 fully serviced pitches available of which, only 22 were occupied, the photo below shows just how much space we had to ourselves. the gravel track in front of the Moho (in the sunshine) is the perimeter road, further on from that is a cul de sac with eight pitches on it, of which two were occupied, so, the anticipated availability never manifested itself.

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That looks a wonderful place to stay Spitsā€¦guessing you really enjoy
that lifestyle and freedom I know is superā€¦

great spits, nice to know the moho is good to go, or been went

This is my favourite time of year here in the UK ā€¦ warm but low humidity, low pollen count. Wish I had a MoHo.

cor blimey another six days to away days

Got the next two weekends sorted, kids are back at school etc, etc, Faffing galore!