Pictures of my golden retrievers

Marshmello playing frisbee with her best buddy Oscar. Oscar is supposedly a Goldendoodle, put there is not much evidence of the poodle in him

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Beautiful @Maver-rik

Niece dog Marshmello the Golden playing with some friends

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I found this pic the other day, it’s Barley when he was still at the breeder at 5 weeks, he liked to get under the bedding all the time. We picked him up at 7 weeks and what a difference in those 2 weeks, shall i say he was such a character and still is.
tabs 4 wks 003

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So gorgeous it hurts.

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I can almost smell that gorgeous puppy smell, Logan.



Oooh I would so like to be smelling a bunch of squiggling puppies right now.


Thank you @Mups and @Maver-rik

Berry is in there somewhere, we didn’t see them at that age, the pics were sent.

So very, very sweet.

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Aah, bless their hearts. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Going to have a puppy at the end of next month, he’s the one with the green collar.
They’re 2 weeks old here.


Absolutely gorgeous! :heart_eyes:

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Thank you Rose2

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They are sooooo cute :hugs: :heart:


Yes they’re lovely.

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