People’s age on forums?

I have no idea how old people are, though obviously on here over 50 at least.
I always thought I was the oldest, but I don’t think I am now.

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No, I’m not good at guessing forum members’ physical age - some seem more “young at heart” than others but I realise that does not necessarily reflect their actual age.

What I find scary and very ageing is that my eldest son is now old enough to join an Over 50s Forum, if he wanted to - but I don’t think he’s ready for that just yet! :rofl:


My daughter becomes eligible in November this year…I won’t be able to get away with half the stuff I do now if she does…


I think this forum’s very good,lots of young old people
Not too much of the good old days ,and whinging about the price of dripping and too many foreigners.


Oh yeah, of course :rofl:


I know people’s age on this forum because there was a fairly recent poll.

As to my age, when I was 32, I felt like I was 90 and told everyone about it. When I was 35, I felt like I was 18 and told no one about it. I was too busy out having fun.


people’s age on forums? - yes it is a daily phenomena? in fact hrly/mins/secs

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I’ll be ‘official’ in July.


I’m 80+ with a very active mind which still thinks it’s owners body hasn’t aged in the past 30yrs LOL :grin:
My love of my life is returning from hospital today, so I’m extra buoyant :sparkling_heart: :+1:


I’m glad she’s coming home today! Wonderful news :hugs:

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Thank you my friend. We’ve been an item since she turned 16 and I’ve not been myself while she has been in the spinal unit, but she will be coming home this morning via the SMS ambulance I’ve hired :+1:

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You’ll have to cook her a nice lunch! :hugs:

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That’s all arranged and one of our two nurses we house has this in hand. She has already stipulated … no cheese, no eggs and definitely no mashed potatoes, as the hospital food is based on all three :wink:


Oh, so pleased for you, have an amazing day!
A daily love story xxxx

I wouldn’t have guessed your age, you post a lot younger than that person I’ve just found out is only 61, what’s your secret :wink:


My darling blondie :sparkling_heart: . It is she who keep me young at heart and always on my toes. We’ve never had a serious row, so perhaps that makes all the difference :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


say hi to blondie for me LD, i hope she feels better…
my age…lol… i was 11 the day the king was buried
so as he got buried years ago i must be in my late thirties, erm very late thirties…xxx


I’m so pleased your dear wife is coming home today, LD.

Best wishes to you both. :hugs:


I’ve put that in my diary. :grinning:

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I prefer to keep people guessing about my age. :wink:

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My Father had funny ways to count ages on birthdays.

  1. You could do the numbers flip, once you’ve reached a two denominational age. If you wanted to feel a kid again, example you’re 21 today. Flip it and you’re 12 again. So, if you’re 60 today then you’re 6 again (as the zero’s just dropped)

  2. You could add up the numbers until you get one digit. So, if you’re 63 years old, it goes like this: 6+3=9. Which means that you’re technically just 9 years old.

Papa, sadly, passed away 49 years ago at just 57. At his last birthday, making his wish and blowing the candles, he proclaimed: “I’m 3 again!”

5+7=12 then 1+2=3…

He died a month and two days on Valentine’s Day. In 2017, on the 12 January, he would have reached the grand age of 100.

So turning this into a FUN AGE FACT, add or flip your age… And if you dare, post it here!

I’m 9 in case curiosity gets you :rofl::rofl::rofl: