People always mispronounce - it drives me crazy

I was just wondering if you can really mispronounce a word when, in fact, there are two possible pronunciations . It’s just a personal preference then if one doesn’t like one variant.

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Ya don’t speak Spanish or any of it’s derivatives then Pix?

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I’m sorry but I’m a Sheffield lad and we mispronounce almost every word you can think of

Watter— water
Oil — hole
Coil … coal
Skoil… school

You get the picture lol

And we run words together to make one word out of a sentence

Whowhashiwewashiwehersen… Who was she with ? Was she by herself?




Trying to get 4yo twin Ukrainian girls to pronounce Knickers is a bit of a struggle as their words for them are “dams’ki pantalony” but they are getting there and improving daily with their English. Written is somewhat more difficult though as дрібнички = knickers.
Age is very much on their side and as the start full school here in September, their future looks bright and their mum is determined they all will succeed over here :+1:


There are many that make me smile: an escape goat, bowl in a china shop.

There are a few that make me sigh, but my current pet annoyance is when anyone says “I done” After about three repeats I reply "you didn’t done anything. You did it or you have done it. "

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