Oh…is it? Jeez, the things you learn on here - I’ve been calling it a gillet my whole life!
I had no idea what you were talking about, when I looked it up I discovered I have two, they are just called Vests or sleeveless jackets here
I hope that is what you mean?
I thought the song said 16 candles?
axe instead of ask…now that really does drive me crazy
Mataland…there is no ruddy D in Matalan!
I’ve got a list!
It’s the AIR words, and I blame America.
Boris is the only public speaker who gets it right so let’s begin with his word, bless him
And its PRIMARILY…there is no AIR in it!
The emphasis should be on the first syllable PRI
Here are a few more mispronounced AIR words:
They none of them should contain AIR!
And then there is the story that Charlton Heston always pronounced … genre … as Jon Ray … but none of his sycophantic friends bothered, or dared, to put him straight.
voluntary … is a word.
Course it is.
So is voluntarily
Hmmm, yes, but …
I’m not sure what you are objecting to, ruthio.
How would you pronounce
Oh do you mean you would say “arr” instead of “air”?
I hope that is what you mean?
Yes! I know they’re called vests in the US, but didn’t realise Australia was the same. In the UK they always used to be called body warmers, but lately gilet has become the popular name. I think retailers probably think it sounds more posh
Oh…is it? Jeez, the things you learn on here - I’ve been calling it a gillet my whole life!
Haha, that made me laugh out loud Pixie
Lingerie. Why is this so commonly pronounced Lonjeray? If you’re going to try to use the French pronunciation instead of Anglicising it, then for heaven’s sake say Lanjeree, or to be more precise, Lanj’ree.
Je suis d’accord
I’ve always pronounced it ‘lornsheray’ lol scuse my French
Me too !
Tenterhooks… not as commonly pronounced Tenderhooks .
Slightly off topic I am the queen of typos and and missing words Oh yes and bad grammar…. But I’m loveable
People who mispronounce Birmingham,lots of people drop the g from it,some drop the g and h from it and some say its Birninam,drives me bonkers.
Those from the Black Country tend to be the worst for it.
I know that as i married one of them lol.
Those from the Black Country tend to be the worst for it.
Not this Yam Yam I’ll have you know, I pronounce it Brumidgum.
I pronounce it Brumidgum.
Brummin 'eck Percy, gerrit reyt, it’s Brum!